Doppelganger time!I honestly sound like a female Christian Slater, but let me know what you think. Heh.Play Count: 3173 [F] I Like It (DeBarge cover)I got a bit too over-enthusiastic when it came to the lead vocals, but I had lots of fun laying down the vocal tracks. :) I hope you all like it.Play Count: 6450 [F] The Rain Song (Led Zeppelin cover)I don't know how I managed to sing this while dowsed up to my eyeballs with cold medicine and lemon tea, but I trekked through it like a boss! :P And I could've added more to the backing track (like playing the piano along with this), but I was too damn lazy. xD Anyway...yeah, apologies in advance to Mr. Robert Plant. *runs off and hides...and drinks more tea*Play Count: 6169 [F] You Promised Me Screaming prt. 2I was watching this video right here: Count: 6903 "Can You Imagine" failThis is me desperately trying to cover Yes' "Can You Imagine?" from their album Magnification. Needless to say, in less than a minute...I failed to multi-task. :PPlay Count: 6406 Music Video Theater prt. 2Watching Foo Fighters' video "Breakout". If you wanna watch along: Count: 6115 [F] Music Video Theater 2015 prt. 3Watching En Vogue's video "My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)". If you wanna watch along: Count: 6026 [F] Music Video Theater 2015 prt. 1Watching Donnie Iris's video of "Ah! Leah!" Video right here if you wanna watch along: Count: 6072 [F] Streets of Gold (Ruth Pointer cover)Jumping onto Disney bandwagon with one of the classics from Oliver & Company. :) And besides, how can you go wrong with one of The Pointer Sisters?Play Count: 6142 [F] My Melancholy Blues (Queen cover) [Re-do]Ever since the last time I covered this song, my song might've dropped a semi-key, hence being a lot easier to hit the low notes. I love this song to death, so why not do it again? :)Play Count: 6213 [F] I'm a Harmony Nut [Ramble]Just rambling about my most favorite thing to hear in music: harmonies. I'm a harmony freak, through and through.Play Count: 6429 Stealin' (Uriah Heep cover)This is one of my favorite songs to sing anywhere. Another one of those you need to turn the volume down for...lots of deadly loud singing. :PPlay Count: 6187 [F4A] The "Repeat After Me" Challenge [Lady sounds] [Whimpers] [So many fucks] [Growly orgasm]So, here I go kicking off this challenge called "Repeat After Me". What you do is listen to any recording that's linked to this challenge, and then record yourself trying to mimic the same sound (the tone doesn't matter, just the infliction) the performer is making. So, think you guys and girls can moan and whimper like I do in this audio? We'll have to see. Good luck! ;)Play Count: 7593 [F] Noodling around on my pianoIt's been months since I really sat down at my piano, so I'm really rusty at playing. So, most of the time I have no idea what I'm doing. Enjoy nonetheless.Play Count: 6409 [F] Accent Challenge Part 2...or 3, for meI couldn't help it! I wanted to have a go at /u/Free_To_Switch's Accent Challenge. No other accents; just my subtle Southern accent and my switchiness here to entertain you.Play Count: 6731 [F] Jurassic Park by Weird Al YankovicWas thinking about doing "MacArthur Park", but decided to go with this one. Hope I didn't mess up too bad! And if I did, please don't send a T-Rex to eat me!Play Count: 6251 [F] What If...? [Tark's Musical Rambles] [Too many giggles] [Another one of my Pepsi Max-fueled, giggly rambles about music. This time, the topic is about wondering what would it sound like if a certain band/singer did a certain song first, or covered it. WARNING: a LOT of laughter ensues.Play Count: 6296 [F] One More Try (George Michael cover)I took me a few takes singing this to the point where my voice became raspy when the high notes came. The end results were nonetheless worth it.Play Count: 6472 [F4A] The Speech-Jammer ChallengeIn case anyone's curious of how this challenge goes, you use a speech-jamming app/program on your phone or your computer. Whenever you speak or sing, there'll be a slight delay playing back in your headphones causing you to mess up by making you stutter and/or slurring your words. So, this is my demonstration of how this challenge goes. Here, I try to read my poem "Just for Tonight" while trying to keep my composure, but to no avail. xDPlay Count: 6558 [F4A] Close to The Edge 2---Day 1So, here I go again, deciding to edge for 4 days until I can't take anymore. Thank Heavens I didn't cum while edging for 20 minutes. Otherwise, I would've been in a lot of trouble.Play Count: 8000 Aaaand here's ROUND TWO!Five minutes later after cumming from that session, I was rarin' to go again...and came even faster.Play Count: 7872 The Lamia (dramatic reading)One of my most favorite songs from The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway turned into a dramatic reading. Hope you enjoy!Play Count: 6300 [F4A] I Came, I Saw, I Kicked No-Touch Week's Ass! [Lady sounds] [Edging] [Wet, wet, wet!] [Dirty talk] [Whimpers] [Growls] [Loads of begging] [Screw you, internet!]Well, as soon as I found out that I didn't have any internet connection on my laptop when I came home last night, I was super-pissed. However, I was super-horny as well, full of dirty fantasies. So, I've decided to throw a 30-minute celebration for making it through my dry spell. Care to join me?Play Count: 8146 [F4A] Close to The Edge---Day 5Okay, now, I'm gonna admit this: this edging crap is starting to work on my emotions more than it should. By 4 or 5 minutes into this audio, I turn into a complete crybaby. Brave, huh? Well, I guess it's safe for me to say that the desperation scale, from 1 to 10, is 1000 right now. Come on, tomorrow, GET HERE NOW!Play Count: 7344 [F4A] Close to The Edge---Day 4After minutes of edging a little, I continue to edge some more while reading my dear friend /u/SuplexLemon's poem "For My Darling".Play Count: 6724 [F4A] Close to The Edge---Day 3To turn things up a notch, I've decided to whip myself with a belt while trying my darnedest to edge doing so. Those spanks hurt, but they sure did feel great!Play Count: 6876 [F4A] Close to The Edge---Day 2 (Part 3)What better way to spend a sunny noon than to watch girl-on-girl porn (again!) and torturously edge yourself to it? I don't think it can get any better than this.Play Count: 7245 [F4A] Close to The Edge---Day 2 (Part 2)Now, I loved edging here in the bathtub because the warm water brought some relief to my aching, throbbing nether regions. I had to record this one with my phone because I didn't feel like lugging my laptop and headset into the bathroom, so, sorry for the crappy quality.Play Count: 6726 [F4A] Close to The Edge---Day 2 (Part 1)I woke up this morning with a crazy idea that I should gag myself with a pair of panties while I gave myself 9-and-a-half minutes of edging. And let me tell you something, my clit has already begun to feel really sore and achy...but that's the whole beauty of edging. It's so painfully exciting!Play Count: 7397 [F4A] Close to The Edge---Day 1 (Part Two)3 hours later, and this happens again. Gee, will I ever learn to quit? Nope, Tark never quits! And also, no baby pterodactyls were harmed in the making of this audio.Play Count: 6930 [F4A] Close to The Edge---Day 1 (Part One)So, confession time: I've never been on a tease-and-denial stint for an entire week before, so I thought it would be a perfect week to try it out and see if I could last that long. This is my first foray of the day of edging. I honestly thought I was gonna blow out my headset mic from squealing and laughing like a depraved madwoman; it's a good thing I didn't though. Whew!Play Count: 7210 [F] Life Is... (original poem)Tonight, I found out that my grandmother has passed away a few hours ago. Something was just eating at me to write something down, and this was the result. Sorry if I sound a little croaky.Play Count: 6389 [F] Fruit Cage [Erotic poetry]I swear, I could write better than this. But I felt silly and I was a bit inspired by Peter Gabriel, so why not?Play Count: 6486 [F] Locomotive Breath (dramatic reading)It's been a while since I did a dramatic reading of some lyrics. So, I thought this would be a good idea to start back with one of my favorite Jethro Tull songs.Play Count: 6410 [F] Lucky Man (Emerson, Lake & Palmer cover)Finally! I manage to pull off another one of my favorite ELP songs. But no synthesizer solo at the end, sorry. :P I'm no Keith Emerson, and I don't have a Moog.Play Count: 6459 [F] Dreamboat Annie (Heart cover)This might be the first time I wasn't scared to tackle a Heart song. To be honest, nobody can out-sing Ann Wilson...NOBODY.Play Count: 6513 [F] The Great Gig in The Sky (Pink Floyd cover)I only played the intro on piano because I can't go through the whole song without messing up. And I'm hoping I could find someone who can wail their ass off singing this song, if someone's up for it. :)Play Count: 6421 [F] Honey Pie (The Beatles cover)Oh, Lord...this MIGHT be the result of drinking too much SunDrop, I don't know. Anyway...enjoy the tap-dancing in the middle. :PPlay Count: 6398 [F] 1921 (The Who cover)So what happens when a little boy named Tommy Walker witnesses his father, who just came home from being M.I.A. in WWI for almost 6 years, brutally murdering Mrs. Walker's boyfriend? He mentally shuts down, making himself become deaf, mute, and blind for the majority of his life, from his childhood to his young adulthood. So this is what the whole concept of Tommy is about. And THIS is the song in which the murder happens.Play Count: 6449 [F] Alberta (Eric Clapton cover)I was gonna do "Corrine, Corrina" at first. Though, the name "Alberta" was screaming at me, and considering that I just got through watching Eric Clapton's "Unplugged", I decided to give "Alberta" a go.Play Count: 6664 [F] Delilah (Queen cover)If you're ever feeling sad, just know that Freddie Mercury wrote a song about his pet cat named Delilah.Play Count: 6539 [F] Must Do Something About It (Wings cover)Just re-discovered and played Wings at the Speed of Sound recently, and came across this song. I just HAD to do it. I could've done "Time to Hide", but I'm thinking someone else would sound even more great singing that song (*cough* /u/kissingyourclavicle!)Play Count: 6592 [F] Theatre!A silly little poem written by the late English comedian Rik Mayall.Play Count: 6641 [F] Go Now (Moody Blues cover)Not my best cover, but I wanted to do record myself playing the piano and then lay down some vocals harmonies, too. I've had this song in my head all last weekend, so I thought it'd be good to cover this one.Play Count: 6721 [F] Lilac Wine (Nina Simone cover)After an evening of listening to Jeff Buckley and drinking Diet Mountain Dew, I decided to take on this song. Another one of them songs that take a LOT of breath to sing, too.Play Count: 6550 [F] Bubble Butt [dramatic reading]Yep...I'm doing ANOTHER dramatic reading of a song about curvaceous booties. May Lord have mercy on me reading these lyrics while keeping a straight face.Play Count: 6822 [F] Wuthering Heights (Kate Bush cover)Somehow I found myself closing my eyes and using a Wii controller as a pretend microphone while singing this song. One of those songs I used to love singing when I was little...back when my voice was as high as Kate's! I can't even hit half of the notes she hit in that, yeah. Apologies if it's pitchy. :PPlay Count: 6444 [F4M] Daddy, No! [Fsub] [DD/lg] [Oral] [Begging] [Impreg]Daddy comes home from work to hear his good little girl say such filthy words. So, he makes it his mission to punish his little girl and make her beg as much as he can. Has she learned her lesson? We'll never know. ;)Play Count: 34712 [F] Star Me, Kitten (R.E.M. cover)I can't believe I made an R.E.M song sound like a Yes song. :P Maybe it's because I sang it an octave higher? I dunno. Heh...just fuck me, kitten.Play Count: 6507 [F] 11 Fun and NotSoHeartless QuestionsYet again, hyped on Diet Mountain Dew, I answer all of NotSoHeartless's fun questions. A lot of tongue clicks and giggles are to ensue, so LISTEN AT YOUR RISK.Play Count: 6428 [F] Time and a Word [Yes cover]Been a while since I posted a Yes cover here. I'm surprised I managed to hold those notes in there. I'm telling you, when you sing a Yes song, just know you need PLENTY of breath to sing it.Play Count: 6301 [F4M] Don't Mind Me...Just Sucking Your Cock [blowjob]I come home from my business trip to find you talking on the phone to one of your best buds, but I can't wait to have fun. So, I'm gonna take matters into my own hands...or my own mouth, for that matter. ;)Play Count: 21555 [F] The Colony of Slippermen [dramatic reading] [lyrics]I tried not to laugh at the word "Shoob-be-doob" while reading these lyrics. I swear, as much as I love Peter Gabriel, he must've been high on something when he wrote this. Well, maybe while he was writing the lyrics to the whole Lamb Lies Down on Broadway album.Play Count: 6227 [F4M] You've Cheated---Now Bend Over! [Fdom] [angry sex] [pegging]Now, you've REALLY done it this time: you went behind my back and fucked that girl I told you NOT to even lay eyes on. And now I know, telling from that smirk on your face and that bulge in your pants, that you planned ALL of this so I can punish you. Now come here, bend over, and take it like a good little slut.Play Count: 13771 [F] This bird is DEMONIC! [dramatic reading]So, yeah...I did a dramatic reading of a post on Tumblr about Flappy Bird, one of the most frustrating games in the history of mankind. Well, here goes nothing.Play Count: 6359 [F] Take a Pebble (dramatic reading) I am with another dramatic reading. This time, I decided to take on this beauty called "Take a Pebble", one of my favorite songs by Emerson, Lake & Palmer, and read it like it was a poem.Play Count: 6381 [F] I Would Rather...I wrote this poem a couple of years ago. I was feeling really angry at the time, and so I tried to find something to vent about, and it was this subject I came up with: the scorned lover wanting to show her ex how much pain she went through during their relationship. After reading this poem aloud, I felt really good about myself and just felt relieved that I didn't have to carry this anger around like a pack on my back.Play Count: 6281 [F] Tempted (Squeeze cover)Once again, taking a stroll down Nostalgia Avenue, I sing one of my favorite songs from my childhood. I might've messed up a couple of times because I haven't heard this song in a looooong time.Play Count: 6444 [F4M] Get Wet With MeWho knew that getting each other squeaky clean would leave our minds dirty and leave our bodies burning with fiery passion?Play Count: 9635 [F] I've Seen All Good People (Yes cover)With reckless abandon, I sing you one of my all-time favorite songs by Yes. Takes lot of breath to sing this one, though...ANY Yes song for that matter. Guuuuugh. Good thing I only sung the "Your Move" section.Play Count: 6337 [F] Your Woman (White Town cover)Taking a trip down Memory Lane with this song. I used to run around and sing the "doot-doot-da-doot-doot" trumpet parts all the time when I was little.Play Count: 6364 [F] Here Comes The Flood (Peter Gabriel cover)After frustrating take after frustrating take playing this on the piano, I promised myself I would record and sing a cover of this song. One of my favorite Peter Gabriel songs EVER. I must warn you though: I DO mess a few times, so forgive me about those little bloopers.Play Count: 6604 [F] Thinking of Her TitsI couldn't sleep, so I decided to treat myself to some girl-on-girl porn, a short session with my vibrator, and some vocal fantasizing.Play Count: 10034 [F] Miss SanityOne of my poems I wrote back in the 10th grade.Play Count: 6429 [F4M] A Certain Reward [story]You come home from a long, frustrating day at work. As you open the door, the first thing you see is me sitting on the love seat, naked, with my legs spread wide open. I’ve been masturbating minutes before you walked in, and so I look at you with a sexy glint in my eye and say with a smirk, “Care to finish me off?”
"I’m more than obliged to," you murmur as you unzip the fly of your pants and take your hard, throbbing cock out. You proceed to get on top of me, but I stop you right before you enter inside me. "Ah-ah-ah! Not so fast," I uttered abruptly. "I don’t think you understand how this game works; I get on top of you. Since you’ve had a rough day, why not let me treat you to a nice, hard fucking?” Suddenly, I see your eyes light up, and the desperation in your tone of voice is far more evident when you tell me, “Yes, please!”
I gently push you down onto the couch and eagerly take your cock into my mouth. My right hand is massaging your balls, matching the same pace of every delicate stroke of my tongue while my left hand is rubbing my pussy. You feel me moaning as I suck your pulsating dick, causing you to tilt your head back and groan in ecstasy. “Oh, Melissa, you’re so good at this!” you breathed as I tease the tip of your cock with my tongue. “But I want you to fuck me…now.” With a sly smile, I pretend I didn’t hear a word you say, and I continue deepthroating you until you begged, “Please, I mean it! Fuck my cock. I want you on top fucking me. Do it now!”
Without hesitation, I sit in your lap with my legs intertwined around your waist, and start slowly grinding against your hard-on. I throw my head back in sheer pleasure, feeling the head of your cock gradually rubbing against my swollen clit. I unbutton your shirt and help you slip out of it. As I continue grinding against you, I begin to gently kiss your neck, causing you to shudder and moan at each brush and gentle caress of my lips.
Before I know it, the sensation becomes too much for me to bear, urging me to ride you harder. So, I slightly lift myself to slip every length of you inside my tight, hungry, wet pussy. I proceed to rock my hips harder and faster. With each bounce and each thrust of our movements together, I can hear you pleading and begging me, “Fuck me harder, Melissa. Fuck me!” The more you say it, the closer it brings us both to climax. As I feel my orgasm approaching, I slow down my bounces a bit to soak in every little sensation of your thrusts. I begin to scream in sheer ecstasy as you sneak in close to your own orgasm. We both cum at the same time, letting our bodies collapse into one another’s arms. There we are, breathing heavily and covered in each other’s juices, feeling immense bliss like we’ve never felt before.Play Count: 9217 [F4F] We Need to Talk [oral] [69] [scissoring]So, I've been getting numerous reports about your overtly flirtatious demeanor and your inappropriate attire in this workplace. So, sit down---we need to have a talk...or maybe more. ;)Play Count: 37374 [F] Let Me Get What I Want...Please?I'm getting the hang of being Daddy's girl. But don't get me wrong---I still have the desire to own you. Guess I'll have to beg for it then. *sigh*Play Count: 8154 [F] Guess That Tune! [me and my piano] [a little game]Here's a little game I'd like to call "Guess That Tune!" Even though I had 15-16 years of playing the piano and I usually play by ear, I'm not polished at all. So, let's see if you guys can determine which song THIS is. If you want, I can give you a few (very vague) hints. Good luck! ;)Play Count: 6361 Make Me YoursThis is for Qamilu's challenge/request. I hope I'm doing this right.Play Count: 7386 I'll Be Good!Whatever is I did or said, I'm really sorry, Daddy. Just don't belt me, please!Play Count: 8530 [F4M] Your Dirty Little FucktoyI'll be anything you want---your willing cumslut, your dirty little cocktease...your anything. JUST FUCK ME!Play Count: 18125 Shut Up and Watch Us [F4F] [Cuckquean] [Fdom]'ve teased me, tantalized me, and laughed at me as you made me suffer all this time. Now you get yours---I've got a really good friend of mine over at the house, and she's eager to participate. Now, shut up and watch us fuck.Play Count: 15060 [F] Enjoying My New ToySo I got this little hand-held massager for only $5, but this packs about as much of a punch as my old rabbit vibrator. The only problem is you have to hold down the button to keep it running. Uggggh.
As usual, I get a bit loud here, so TURN DOWN YOUR SPEAKERS.Play Count: 7837 [F4M] Locked UpYou have a fantasy that you wanted to be locked up and frustrated? No use backing out now; you've asked for it.
Script is /u/usefulone.Play Count: 10382 [F4A] A Three-way to RememberA date night with a gal pal tagging along leads to a wildly erotic escapade.
Wild cumming and screaming may ensue, so TURN DOWN YOUR SPEAKERS. Consider yourselves warned.Play Count: 8485 What Naughty Pictures Do to MeHad no trouble with this one, thank God. I was feeling really horny after looking at a bunch of pictures and gifs on Tumblr, and I just had to go at it right away. Still trembling a little after that loud climax, though.Play Count: 8879 Cumming Loudly Before BedI wanted it to be a quick play, but my body wasn't willing to let me cum. Pisses me off!Play Count: 9382 You're MineI've been thinking about you and that sweet pussy of yours all night. Don't keep me waiting, baby girl. ;)Play Count: 9958 The Bachelor PartyMy friend Sarah has told me you're on strike from cumming all week, so don't think I let you off easy all because she's not here. She and I planned this especially for you. ;) So, are you good at following instructions?Play Count: 10704 Baby, Come BackI know I've messed up big time, but really...are you sure you want me to prove to you I'm sorry like THAT?Play Count: 9721 Angry Sister Gets Her RevengeYou forgot to meet with your sister, and after waiting for 2 hours she's angry with you. Now she's looking for revenge. Finding you alone at home makes for a perfect opportunity.
Script is by MrGurken.Play Count: 21013 Still Thinking About Fucking YouI can't help it; I'm stuck with the thought of having you to myself and riding you until you can't cum anymore. So...will you let me fuck you?Play Count: 11742 Oh, Shit! Wrong NumberPlease, please, PLEASE tell me this has happened to some of you people before. :PPlay Count: 10553