So if you can think about-- Oh wait, never-mind, bimbos don't need to think. Just sink into the familiar fractionated haze while you slowly start to giggle your mind away. Let me know what you think, or don't after this file! SUMMARY This file is a fractionation file mixed with an overload of fun subliminals that will aid in you becoming a mindless, brainless bimbo for as long as you would like these effects (now in saying that fractionation can linger in some people so keep in mind you could lose the rest of your day to the fuzzy feelings.) TARGET AUDIENCE Anyone who wants to get fractionated as you are stripped of your IQ and turned into a silly, happy bimbo. (This file does not have any references to sexual things) SUGGESTIONS This file is a fractionation file so uses the SLEEP and WIDE AWAKE triggers a lot, it also suggests that your brain and body becomes filled with pink mist that overwhelms it and strips your of your IQ. Be aware there is one reference to it being "drug like" so if you are not into that best not play this one. SUBLIMINALS -Like, thinking is hard -Dumber and Dumber -OMG you're such a bimbo! -Thinking is for smart people, and you're not a smart people, are you? -Mind goes pop, thoughts just stop (And the dreaded ticking sound...)