[M4F] Starting Somewhere - A [ramblefap] with more [fap] than [ramble], as is traditional for a [first post], featuring some [groans] both [gentle] and [urgent], a [British] [accent], some light [praise] and a little [switch]-iness, a [speaker orgasm] and implied [simultaneous orgasm] Hi! How are you? I’m feeling bold today, and after taking so much nourishment from this community in the background over the last few years, I thought I’d take a step towards getting more involved. This is a pretty classic first post, I think, with a lot more sharp breaths and gasps than there are coherent sentences. But there are some choice phrases scattered throughout to keep your attention, a touch of praise, and a slightly switchy shift to a more assertive conclusion. All of which sounds like I’m describing a bottle of wine, rather than a recording of my own orgasm. Thank you in advance for being kind, I am but a gentle man navigating his was through these sexy waters.