[A4F] Let Me Lull You to Sleep [Script Offer] [Sleep Aid] [SFW] [Established Relationship] [Nerdy Space Stuff] [Comfort] [Cozy] [Fun Facts] [Mentions of alcohol] [Breathing Exercise] [Philosophical Ramblings] [Stroking Hair] [Script by littlebluewriter] Summary: You’ve been having trouble falling asleep. Your mind tends to race and you don’t know how to quiet it down. But you have been too stubborn to ask your partner for help, especially since they like to go to bed early. You are working late tonight when you hear a knock at your home office’s door. Utopic here! Here's a cute audio to end my 2 year hiatus! I couldn't think of a better start. This is the cutest script I've read and I hope I've done it justice! If you liked it, won't you stick around for what I'm doing next? SFX Freesound creators: Hair moving by ldf99 -- https://freesound.org/s/586462/ -- License: Attribution 4.0 Fingercombing short hair.m4a by dominaexcrucior -- https://freesound.org/s/677971/ -- License: Attribution 4.0 Sheets being Shaken by TyroneBarr -- https://freesound.org/s/594064/ -- License: Attribution 3.0 bed sheets moving hitting scratching.wav by KrystianPawlowski -- https://freesound.org/s/584879/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 Toc toc (knocking on wooden door) by aoimotion -- https://freesound.org/s/728289/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 Door opening and closing 3 by dossantosbarbosa -- https://freesound.org/s/482295/ -- License: Creative Commons 0