[Homophobia] [Comfort] [Rape] due to [Initial Dubcon] [Historical: 20th Century] [Therapist Speaker] [Closeted] [Fsub Speaker] [Conversion Therapy] [Role Reversal] [Lesbian Seduction] [Coming Out] [Fingering] [Oral] [Both Orgasm] SCRIPT BY ICEDRAKE402 A psychiatrist (the speaker) seeks to "cure" a lesbian of her homosexual desires and turn her into a good "normal" woman who only has eyes for men, but progress has been elusive--her patient just can't seem to stay away from forbidden female love! The therapist is at a loss until the patient turns the tables, spotting that the therapist is herself in the closet and frantically repressing her own desires. The treatment ends up being a total and utter failure...but such an enjoyable failure that neither woman cares by the end of the session.