[F4A] Girlfriend's letter [Script Fill] [SFW] [Non-Erotic] [Narrative] [GFE] [Established Experience] [Emotional] [Gentle] [Confession] [Regret] [Deep love] [Introverted Speaker]
Summary: A heartfelt love letter reflecting on your boyfriend's emotional growth. He is silent most of the time, but he loves you more than he can say... “I'm the moon reflected in the lake. It's you, the wind, who scatters the light, makes the reflection shimmer, and stirs ripples in my once-still water.” A wonderful script written by jtykxyz I made some changes to make it a [F4A] script!!
Play Count: 148
[F4M][Script Fill] A Love Letter from an Unknown Person [Confession][One-sided Unrequited Love][A little bit creepy?][Emotional][Stranger][School][Graduation Season][SFW]
[F4M]ver Summary: On the last day of college, you found a letter in your locker. It had neither a name nor an address on it, and it seemed to be from a stranger. Driven by curiosity, you opened it. What could that person have written? Lovely script by the talented MelisaChalatistera!!
Play Count: 67
[F4F][Script Fill] A Love Letter from an Unknown Person [Confession][One-sided Unrequited Love][A little bit creepy?][Emotional][Stranger][School][Graduation Season][SFW]
[F4F]ver Summary: On the last day of college, you found a letter in your locker. It had neither a name nor an address on it, and it seemed to be from a stranger. Driven by curiosity, you opened it. What could that person have written? Lovely script by the talented MelisaChalatistera!!
Play Count: 160
[F4A] And There Was You... [SFW] [Wholesome] [Heartfelt] [Sweet] [Friendship] [Best Friend] [Friend Love] [Plantonic] [Loving] [Short Script] [Phone Call] [Just Because] [Thinking of You]
Summary Short phonecall to a friend to tell them 3 little words.<3 Wonderful script written by GoodxBadHabits
Play Count: 243
Play Count: 413
[F4A] Roommate and Best Friend Goes Through A Breakup [Script Fill] [Best Friends][Roommates to Partners][Attempted Comfort][Should Have Happened Years Ago][SFW][Wholesome]
Synopsis: Your roommate hasn't been their normal self for a little bit now. You decide to talk to them about what is going on and find out they broke up with their partner. You have a heart to heart and eventually come away with a stronger bond than before. Hello I'm so happy to be here!! This is my first ever audio, and the script is so so so cute and wholesome!! It is so wonderfully done by WordsmithReborn ❤ Thank you all for listening!! I hope you enjoy and keep well!! ❤
Play Count: 527
Play Count: 60
[F] Verification
[F] Verification Pillowtalkaudio
Play Count: 107