G'day all! I know I cannot be alone in being overjoyed that frogs are having their moment. Amphibians are so lovely, and fill so many interesting niches in local ecologies. When I stumbled upon this script, I couldn't NOT fill it, and I cut a good four minutes of rambling about plants and trees, and their various interactions. It was so much fun, and I thank u/Froggo_Writes for creating and sharing this lovely and adorable script, and giving me the opportunity to rediscover that I had a little frog in my throat. Ambience was created by Mandia-p and Resaural. https://freesound.org/s/671430/ https://freesound.org/s/634511/ Magical Effects were created by Gbudden and Takimeko. https://freesound.org/s/436186/ https://freesound.org/s/638495/ Used under the Creative Commons 0 License. Other foley is my own, and I hope to share in a foley pack once it's processed. Below is the original Description written by Froggo_Writes: Introduction: You’ve spent hours trying to find your way out of this forest. It never looked so large from the outside?? Eventually, you spot a strange little pond in the middle of a clearing… Why is it purple? It draws you in and you stop paying attention to your steps… until you hear a tiny voice from below. Summary: After stoking a frog wizard’s (not so mighty) rage, you find yourself to have turned frog-sized. After the first shock wears off, you discover a new world of talking critters, magic ponds and potions.