#ChronicCockWorshipingJames 3/25/19 9:45 AM Hello Richard, it's James. I have spent the last forty-five minutes. Teasing and edging my cock as I listened to. the other bank bankers just slowly slowly. touching my penis Sometimes I just have stopped. And watched my penis throb with lust and desire. and horniness and sometimes I'll play with my teens. And my balls just that area. That really makes my dick horny makes him stand up real proud and tall. Oh, yeah. I have to be somewhere like I really should be there now. several things to do today This is the first day of had any time alone since last. Thursday yeah. f*** just here in the house alone. Kind of thinking back to last week. When had there's three days of just solid masturbation time. It was wonderful. I had mirrors set up everywhere in the house. I just stopped by one of them whatever room I was in it's just squat fate. sometimes just stand over the mirror. Get a good under the side view of my cock as I stroked him. I am I was just lost in Phoenix left lost and concourses nothing mattered, but the cock I was ruining his f****** high on penis. Of luck man. Got a lot of Dripping pretty calm right now. Just smearing it all over my cock and balls and I'm not going to come I'm going to put on some underwear so I can capture that Cox sent it's going to wear them all day and go stretch my penis anytime. I guess like through my clothing. As I do my errands. Go to my meeting. Just going to stay high on coke just be in total Consciousness. Oh, yeah. Fuc. Yeah. Stroking my cock back feels so good.