#ChronicCockWorshipingJames 4/21/19 11:44 AM Hey Richard, it's James. I am driving back home to where I grew up. It's about an hour 20 minute drive and I always get horny when I'm heading there because it's that area is full of so many pleasurable memories with masturbation. It's where I discovered my cock. And I discovered my cock quite Young. And once I did I never turned back I never stop touching my penis. I'm touching my penis right now. I pulled off the road so that I could call you. I've been stroking my cock through my pants got the whole drive and listening to like Bank deposits. Some of them even my own messages. Makes my cock very horny to listen to myself talk about my masturbation and my love and praise a penis. I just stopped at the corner store and picked up some poppers. So I'm going to take a hit on sitting here. Just get my car pop it up so I can get back on the road and start masturbating again. Oh, yeah feels so good to Bumpers. That's going to feel good when it gets to my dick. Yeah. It's going to make my dick hornier harder. and stiffer I haven't, since Tuesday that's been sort of keeping my penis whenever I could. Who was at work watching p*** the other day on my phone? I was just watching men masturbate. It made my cock. So horny, it's so hard. Oh, yeah. I love touching my penis. Love worshiping my penis. pieces God got his penis Yeah craziness 8:00. Hey all our Mighty God. He'll sell us.