#ChronicCockWorshipingJames 4/22/19 4:32 PM hey Richard it's James I have a bit of a long time with my cock right now so I'm taking advantage of that I wanted to call and let you know that had a wonderful time with my car yesterday my drive to my boyhood home with very horny chocolate very stuff I'll eat a lot of Greek I'm in my underwear so I got the chance to later go to my grandmother's house where some cleaning needed to be done and that's where I masturbated a lot as a child so I set up a bait station had a wonderful time it's my cock for about two hours and finally shut off it was so exciting and so I don't know just interesting to be back there remembering all the places in that house that he used to masturbate that's where I learned to head my cock in that house in one room in particular during the summer I would stay at my grandparents and so often afford to me but a little more alone time that I was used to having so I could just go to bed early and laying in bed and play with my dick 4 hours so I discovered that the longer I played with my cock the better I felt better it felt the longer one is to it so sort of interchangeable but we've been the masturbator I always loved my cock got my dick feels go ahead. It's no good on my end go ahead of poppers for his penis praise God hello fellas he'll probably he'll probably be out of car probably masturbate because practice leads us to worship then we end up masturbating that's my favorite way to worship my penis oh yeah