#HairyCockOKC 4/11/19 4:14 PM Hey, this is Alan. I'm home and masturbating just got off work. First thing I do whenever I got home. I took off all my clothes got my my move out. I started stroking my cock. And listening to other guys masturbating and watching p***. Oh God, I love my fix so much time masturbating so much. I love my God. I love my cock so much telling you how much I love my car other guys out there who love masturbating your car. I love that you love masturbating your cock need you to be like me constantly think about masturbating constantly thinking about it constantly doing it every chance good boys masturbate the car convenient God. I never want to pussy ever again. Never one of my wife ever again. I want to do is masturbate. I want to introduce. Oh she gets so mad at me for not f****** her f****** masturbate and she comes home and wants me to f*** her. I'm not in the mood. I choose my hand every time consciously make the decision to choose my f****** hand f****** masturbate my cock instead of fighting it deep inside of a pussy. I'd rather have my hand. I'll put in my f****** nipples and smell my armpits smell some f****** good. Yeah, I don't wear deodorant. So they smell so f****** good. Oh God. Masturbate my cock masturbate looking. My he refocused got addicted to call on this number now. Oh my God. I want to call this number everytime. I masturbate let you guys know what I'm doing that you hear me masturbate. I wish I could leave a narrow long messages my f****** cock buck. Oh God, yeah. Oh God, so chronically addicted to masturbating.