James chronic cockworshiping masturbator 2/25/19 9:51 AM hey Richard it's Chronic Taco or something masturbator it's been a long time since I've called and from now on I'm just going to go by my name which is James so just calling to let you and all the other masturbators know that I'm doing that right now I'm masturbating my penis I'm making love to my cock I'm worshipping my cock I hope you guys are doing that too I hope you're worshiping penis so if you're just sinking deeper and deeper into your dick giving yourself over to the holy Salas the holy penis I worked with jalapenos I worship Oli cock Pacquiao masturbate penis I masturbate talk then itching for about an hour and a half I'm going to come I'm going to go out and do some errands and I'm going to come back and I'm going to masturbate again and then tomorrow I'm going to masturbate before work I'm going to have the house to myself all night when I get home so I'm going to masturbate again and then on Wednesday I'm going to masturbate before I go to work I'm planning to give my cock five orgasms in the next two days and I'm not going to shower I've already started to get some good cock stench it's not my garage right now so the horniness wafting up from my balls and my dick I love this man smells of that crotch smell that's holy Cox now I love my whole week. I love my only penis close again keep itching this dick and then shoot off and then come back tomorrow just going to give into penis pleasure just going to worship cock has to be masturbate penis Master be your penis pleasure you