Tom 12/28/18 10:16 PM home again Don't mean to call back. so soon I'm being Aventine masturbator again today He says come number three. I'm working on into my panties. The masturbating and disadvantage for a couple weeks. It'd be pretty sick with chrome. like masturbate take your panties. Backed out if I can. I really only like mastering if I can get f*****. Or if you don't have a big toy. Play something nice big black box and I can put him on the roster baby and panties. I'm not being talked to work or something. I got to talk about it work. I work in a warehouse. There's lots of little perverts or whatever. Like a little panties just be like me. Sometimes sometimes when I masturbate and we're open from me. Sometimes more than one of the time. If some pretty lucky to have that kind of work, please. But I'm not at work tonight. And I have to work today. So I'm try to masturbate five or six times a day if I can. I'm going to have to wait a couple more times tonight. Because I have so many toys around me.