#TonyBaloneyBopper 4/17/19 7:32 AM Yeah. Hey, it's Tony the baloney bumper making a white bank deposit. just sitting around playing with myself and You know just being losers elf. I'm just thinking about. How I did this to myself. I'm addicted to playing with myself. And that accept is it I'm a chronic masturbator. I don't accept I'm worthless masturbator. That's the important part. Worthless, I am worthless. Because I play with my dick all the time. Yeah wasn't call it the way. And tell people so I'm addicted to playing with myself addicted the plan for myself you guys and wasted my life. Being such a loser. being such a worthless masturbator Just playing with it every day. No wife and friends. Just the one thing just the white bag and my loser dick. But you know, let's say again. I'm going to wallow in it masturbation addiction has ruined my wife and I love it. I love it. Oh, I love it. I love black in my weiner. Well Richard, I'm wasted my wife years. I spent jacking off. Jacking off. Oh my wife my pathetic life. Oh, the word was masturbator. Nobody likes me. I want to have sex with anybody. Just want to check off. Just want to check off. Just bought my bologna every day. Popping my bone in here every day being exposed to the master Baker. I love it. I love that. You felt exposed me of the master Peter. The people are laughing at me.