1) What is your love language? (Words of affirmation? Acts of service? Gifts? Quality time? Physical touch?) 2) How and when did you discover your favorite kink? If you’re not kinky, how did you find GWA? 3) What do you wear to bed? 4) Where are you answering this questionnaire? (bedroom, kitchen, office, car, etc.) 5) What’s your favorite kind of soup? 6) How do you pronounce the word “caramel”? How about “data”? “Route”? “Pecan”? “Aunt”? “Envelope”? “Pajamas”? “Crayon”? 7) Would you have sex with an identical twin version of yourself? 8) Say your partner or potential S/O is well-versed in a certain subject, and you find that knowledge to be extremely sexy. What would this subject be? 9) Dating wise, how old is too old for you? How young is too young? 10) Has anyone ever told you you sound like someone else -- a celebrity, cartoon character, or anyone else? 11) How old do you think your listeners think you are? 12) Are you a picky eater? What will you absolutely NOT eat? Is there a food you like that most other people don’t? 13) Is there a certain country, culture, or time period you’re fixated on and would like to learn more about? 14) Can you comfortably go the rest of your life without falling in love? 15) Do you prefer blue skies or grey skies? 16) What were your favorite shows as a child? 17) What is your favorite protein (meat. or if you're vegan, it'd be beans/soy/etc.)? 18) Are you interested in true crime? 19) What are your hard limits, sexually? 20) Do you like reality television? 21) What do you think of pegging? 22) How would you describe how adults ask each other out (on dates or for relationships) versus how kids do it? 23) Do you like raw onions in your food? 24) Can you curl your pinky without moving your ring finger? 25) When sleeping next to a partner, do you prefer full-on cuddling, touching a little bit, or not touching at all? 26) Do you shop at Costco, or any membership-based shopping center? 27) What is a sexy scenario you fantasize about, but literally cannot happen for you in real life? (IE: medieval stuff, furry stuff, being a high school student again, fucking a 50ft tall woman, etc.) 28) What’s a fashion trend of your youth do you find absolutely atrocious now? 29) What is your favorite accent? Also, please best describe the quality of a voice that would really draw you in. 30) Do you keep things formal between you and your listeners (simply thanking them for listening to your audios), or do you flirt back sometimes? 31) Do you mind receiving pet names from strangers? 32) What are some facial features a person can have that you would find exceptionally striking? 33) Can you count how many sexual partners you’ve had on all your fingers? How about on all your fingers and toes? 34) Have you spoken to your favorite poster on GWA already?