[Brutal] [SPH] very [Mean] [Humiliating] [Degrading] [Disgust] [Size Comparisons] future [Cuck] [Unhappy Wife] [Not Satisfied] [You Aren't Enough] [Over You] [No Sex] [No Sfx] [Original Content] Summary: Your wife suddenly tells you how unsatisfied she is with your tiny dick. And it only gets meaner and more dire as she goes on. By the end the only thing you're sure of is that you have a small and unsatisfying cock, the big thing you're unsure of is if you still have a wife. Listener Descriptors: tiny dick, little dick, shrimp dick Written & Performed by: Honey Hays aka u/YourSoleDesire69 Sit down, shut up, and take in what I have to say about that pathetic cock.