Voice log, 12th Feb 2017
Feedback appreciated! @ u/aaqucnaona on reddit.
Play Count: 1422
Voice Log, 10th Dec 2016

Play Count: 1267
Voice record, dated Sept 23 2016
Feedback highly appreciated!
Play Count: 1482
I need feedback and tips!

Play Count: 1461
Reference Speech - #1 - Version 1 - 15th April 2015

Play Count: 1260
Best attempt at female voice, Feb 2016
Feedback and critique welcome.
Play Count: 1362
003. 8th Jan 2016 - Voice training records
I am still new to this, and these are my first few uncertain, wobbly steps. Please be brutally honest and direct in your criticism, I wanna improve as much as I can, as quickly as I can.
Play Count: 1611
002. 22nd Dec 2015 - Voice training records
An attempt was made.
Play Count: 1721
A ramble on gender dynamics in Oedaccian society

Play Count: 1298
What is this style of music called?
There is this music on an ad I recently saw, I quickly recorded it on my phone because my grandpa was intriqued by the music and wanted to listen to more stuff like it. What is this genre/style of music called, and any suggestions on similar stuff?
Play Count: 1469
Verification for PTA
Play Count: 1418
The dark days of my accent that we do not talk about
Dear leader Hal forbids all discussion of this highly secret & embarrassing recording.
Play Count: 1320
How I talk to myself
Talking about stuff and tings. PS. The influence of Rose&Rosie's videos is quite clear, both in my accent and in my general mannerisms. I often mirror stuff that I like, but when it is someone english and I actually admire them in a way that I almost, in a sense, want to be them, then the drift towards their accent and speech pattern is very palpable.
Play Count: 1445
Accent progress/ Talking about Cosmos
Its been a few days since I have had the TTS voices to influence my accent, and while I have tried to have some control or influence over my accent for a long time, this is the first time where I have felt any major impact. This recording is mainly meant as a time capsule for the way I sound right now, 25/7/14.
Play Count: 1334
Reflecting upon You all and the last 5 months as the clock moves into the day I turn 20.
I was extremely sleepy when I recorded this and feeling quite emotional. So the enunciation isn't as clear as I would have liked it to be. The accent is really showing through as well, I wasn't able to reign it in or neutralise it. But I feel it captures how was feeling at the time and so I decided to stick with it.
Play Count: 1386
Pronounciation challenge!
That was quite a oral workout. Fun, FUN, Funnily funny fun!
Play Count: 1562
A quote from Solaris - Stanis?aw Lem
“We take off into the cosmos, ready for anything: for solitude, for hardship, for exhaustion, death. Modesty forbids us to say so, but there are times when we think pretty well of ourselves. And yet, if we examine it more closely, our enthusiasm turns out to be all a sham. We don't want to conquer the cosmos, we simply want to extend the boundaries of Earth to the frontiers of the cosmos. For us, such and such a planet is as arid as the Sahara, another as frozen as the North Pole, yet another as lush as the Amazon basin. We are humanitarian and chivalrous; we don't want to enslave other races, we simply want to bequeath them our values and take over their heritage in exchange. We think of ourselves as the Knights of the Holy Contact. This is another lie. We are only seeking Man. We have no need of other worlds. A single world, our own, suffices us; but we can't accept it for what it is. We are searching for an ideal image of our own world: we go in quest of a planet, a civilization superior to our own but developed on the basis of a prototype of our primeval past. At the same time, there is something inside us which we don't like to face up to, from which we try to protect ourselves, but which nevertheless remains, since we don't leave Earth in a state of primal innocence. We arrive here as we are in reality, and when the page is turned and that reality is revealed to us - that part of our reality which we would prefer to pass over in silence - then we don't like it anymore.”
Play Count: 1505
Laugh sound.

Play Count: 1471
How you sound to me

Play Count: 1386
GWA background information

Play Count: 1477
3 Memories for Burner - Regrets, life leasons and closure.
These are three formative memories from my childhood. I usually don't talk much and this really tired me out, my throat hurts and I found it difficult to maintain a deep, full voice as well as a neutral accent. Still, it was worth it to get this out of my system and share it will you all!
Play Count: 1463
Where do I find Beauty?
Answering /u/ToLoveYourLust's question.
Play Count: 1633