[F4A] Horny Howling [hypnosis script] [primal] [animal transformation] [wolf] [nsfw] [erotic hypnosis] [guided masturbation] [suggested climax] [excited breathing sounds] [German accent] [38:29]
This hypnosis file is aimed to transform you into a wild wolf and to experience the primal side of pleasure with me - as you go wild and howl with me. What can you expect: * hypnotic trance * suggestion to howl at a volume that is appropriate for you * me, howling for your pleasure * wolf transformation * embracing the ideas to go wild, be primal, loose control * suggestions to masturbate and to climax
Play Count: 205
Loreley Howls
just me doing a wolf howl, like the ones in my "Horny Howling" Hypnosis file
Play Count: 56
F4A Einfach schlafen [Schlafhypnose] [Einschlafhilfe] [Entspannung] [Deutsch] [SFW]
Manchmal hilft es, einer sanften Stimme zu lauschen, um Körper und Geist zu entspannen und in einen wunderbaren Schlummer zu fallen. Diese Hypnoseaufnahme tut genau das; sie führt dich ins Reich der Träume und in einen tiefen Schlaf. Was kannst du erwarten? * Hypnose, Trance * Suggestionen einzuschlafen * Suggestionen sich gut zu fühlen * Kein Aufwecken aus der Trance am Ende
Play Count: 76
F4A Entangled and Entranced, Hypnobondage (only voice)
Do you want to be tranced, seduced, and bound by a cheeky forest dryad? Then this is the file for you! Embark on a mystical journey into an enchanted forest with me and let me play my teasing games with you. What's can you expect? *trance and hypnosis *storylike experience, fantasy *bondage with safeties (spreadeagle) *teasing, increased arousal *snaps as pleasure trigger *phantom touch *post-hypnotic suggestion to masturbate *wakener included
Play Count: 427
F4A Entangled and Entranced, Hypnobondage (with Music)
Do you want to be tranced, seduced, entangled and bound by a cheeky forest dryad? Then this is the file for you! What's can you expect? *trance and hypnosis *storylike experience, fantasy *bondage with safeties (spreadeagle) *teasing, increased arousal *snaps as pleasure trigger *phantom touch *post-hypnotic suggestion to masturbate *wakener included
Play Count: 1271
F4A Bathing in Pleasure [erotic hypnosis] [SHORT VERSION]
Welcome to this erotic hypnosis audio about the pleasure of bathing and fooling around in the watery depths of your subconscious mind! Please don't listen to this file while being in a situation, when it's not safe to enter a state of trance. What can you expect from this audio? * trance (obviously) * a long, conversational induction * imagery of water, bathing, floating on water * tease and denial, with a well deserved permission to come at the end * being called a good subject * no lasting triggers or anything else that might stay with you - it's just a pleasant experience meant to guide your thoughts right while you experience it it's the same as the normal version, only shorter (yes, I know, it's still quite long...)
Play Count: 781
Bathing in Pleasure [erotic hypnosis]
Welcome to this erotic hypnosis audio about the pleasure of bathing and fooling around in the watery depths of your subconscious mind! Please don't listen to this file while being in a situation, when it's not safe to enter a state of trance. What can you expect from this audio? * trance (obviously) * a long, conversational induction * imagery of water, bathing, floating on water * tease and denial, with a well deserved permission to come at the end * being called a good subject * no lasting triggers or anything else that might stay with you - it's just a pleasant experience meant to guide your thoughts right while you experience it
Play Count: 835
F4A - Erotic Hypnosis - Guided Orgasm
Just half an hour of relaxation, arousal and pleasure, made possible through the power of hypnosis. What's part of the session? *erotic imagery, phantom touch *verbal trigger for this session only (feel) *guided orgasm, with or without hands
Play Count: 4319