Tags: [History] [1700s] [Romance] [Fantasy] [Cat Girl Listener] with [Cat Ears] and [Tail] [Opera] [Praise] [Encouragement] [Body Part Appreciation] [Teasing] [Banter] [Lightly Possessive] [Lightly Condescending] [Moans] [Groans] [Whispering] [Backstage] [Semi-Public] [Kissing] [Tearing Your Dress] [Bondage] [Corset Breath Play] [Nipple Sucking] [Period Sex] [Blood] [Cunnilingus] [Ear Scritches] [Fingering] [Anal]
Names used: darling, dear, pet, kitten, goddess
Script by yours truly.
Inspired by u/darling_jelly.
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Sound Effects:
Exhale (powerful opera soprano solo) by SondreDrakensson | License: Attribution 4.0
Opera Orchestra Applause.wav by Sindbad13 | License: Creative Commons 0