[NB4A] Meeting your new roommate on the mind control study program [Hypnosis] [Covert] [No safeties] [Absolute obedience] [Absolute acceptance] [No thoughts] [No resistance] [Minor breath control] [Memory alteration] [Amnesia] [Wakener]My own recording of my first ever fully written hypnosis script! I hope you enjoy.
The listener has just joined the mind control study program, in which various hypnotically-empowered individuals hone their craft by trying to take control of one another, and avoid being taken control of in turn. The listener goes to the dorms for the first time and meets their new roommate, who has a fairly simple proposition: those who aren’t able to relax in the safety of their own dorms don’t tend to last long, as the constant stress and paranoia takes its toll on their minds, so the listener and their roommate (the speaker) need to be able to trust each other, relax, and let their guard down.
However, all of this is a trick on the behalf of the speaker. The speaker gets the listener to lower their guard, and then covertly hypnotizing them using ideas such as;
Repeatedly reinforcing that the speaker and listener need to be able to trust each other and relax when they are alone together.
Repeatedly reinforcing that the listener is weak to hypnosis when low on mental energy, suggesting that they are currently low on energy, and suggesting that the best way to regain this mental energy is to relax.
Once the listener is properly entranced, the speaker reiterates the agreement to trust each other in more detail, including new suggestions and caveats such as;
The listener’s side of the agreement is to make sure the speaker can relax. In order to achieve this, the listener will not try to control the speaker, but will also avoid doing other things that might stress the speaker out, such as disagreeing or disobeying. This is reinforced into absolute/unconditional agreement and obedience to the speaker.
The speaker’s side of the agreement is to help the listener relax, and they’re extremely good at it. The listener will be incapable of having worries or doubts about the speaker, and when the speaker is alone with them they will be so relaxed that they are completely unable to think. Suggestions make the listener feel so grateful that the speaker is able to make them relax like this.
At certain points in the file the listener will be ordered to hold their breath, believe their birthday is on a fictional date, and forget the file’s contents, as well as a suggestion at the end to go drink some water (truly my evil knows no bounds). The file does not feature any safeties because of its concept, and should be used responsibly and with caution.
Once the hypnosis is complete, there will be a wakener as the speaker tells the listener that they dozed off.Play Count: 1193 Hypnotic Librarian Helps You Sleep Before Finals[Script fill] [NB4A] [Sleep Aid] [Hypnosis] [Guided Meditation] [Relaxation] [No Wakener] [Visualization] [Countdown] [Trigger] [College] [No Resistance] [No Awakener]. Script written by TA_75.Play Count: 302 Melting Mind[SCRIPT FILL] [NB4A] Melting Mind [Relaxation] Floating in [Void] [Long Countdown] [Many Countdowns] Kinda [Fractionation] [No awakener]
Script fill for u/Cruelscripts. In this file I use counting as a tool to take you deeper into trance.Play Count: 240