[Arranged Marriage] ["Rescued" by Vampires] [Seduced at a Ball] [Sexual Demonstrations] [Biting] [Blood Drinking] [Listener Turned Into A Vampire] [Heartbeat] [Welcome to Forever] [Threesome] [Polyamory] [Blowjob] [CIM] [Cunnilingus] [Creampie] [Fingering] [Kissing] [Multiple Performer Orgasms] [Multiple Listener Orgasms] [Speakers Romance] [Leg Lock] brief mention of [Violence] okay, so: a little while ago, u/AmbroseKincaidVA and i came across this fabulous script (courtesy of u/VoidScreamsBack!) and independently sent it to each other. FUCKING KISMET, y'all!! vampires? seduction? polyamory? OPTIONAL ACCENTS?? we knew we had to do this one. ⚠ this was made by an adult for adults, all rights are reserved. please don't download or repost anywhere without my express permission.