Hello all you amazing folx! Today I come bearing my version of /u/HeartlyWrites' utterly gorgeous morning time script. If you loved this audio, please let the original author know! ------ CONTENT In this audio I play the listener’s character's partner. Both wake up early, and after some good natured begging, your character agrees to cuddle in bed with mine for 5 more minutes. My character excitedly kisses the listener’s character. After 5 minutes of cuddling, breathing, and some shifting noises, my character finally agrees that it's time to get up. The listener’s character's gender identity, body configuration, skin pigmentation, and hair are all left ambiguous. A few l-bombs are used. If you are comfortable with cuddling and kissing, this is asexual safe. ------ Comments, criticisms, or requests for my voice? Let me know publicly or privately! More of my SFW content | SFW content survey