One would assume without even thinking that my grown-ass roommate probably spends some of his alone-time pleasuring himself. Over the past few months, though, I’ve picked up on some context clues that spell out exactly when he’s doing it. Not that I'm judging: he’s a grown man, after all, and it’s not like he’s blatant about it—and besides, I do the same. Only now that I know, you have this idea that’s just nagging at you: not only being totally upfront and open about what you’re each up to, but then using each other to get it done. And somehow the fact that he’s not even my type makes the idea of using each other as human sex toys even hotter. I can’t get it out of my head. And tonight, while he’s out, I wonder if confessing it all out loud in a voice memo will somehow alleviate my imagination … not that I’d ever actually send it to him … no, not at all …