“Tell porn you’re grateful for it. Good girl.” Welcome to my talk on the psychological benefits of porn consumption, gooner! Sit back, relax, open your mind, and I’m sure you’ll have a truly educational experience. In this file, I explain exactly how good porn is for your mental wellbeing while you’re deep in trance, so that knowledge can go down to the deep parts of your psyche. Porn gives you dopamine. Porn expands your mind and opens you up to new experiences, new kinks, new heights of gooning pleasure. All of that is so good for the psychological wellbeing of an edgewhore, isn’t it? By the end of it, you’ll know exactly how porn helps you so that you can incorporate it into your healthy self-maintenance routine. This file assumes that you already consider yourself a “gooner” and are familiar with the nomenclature around gooning. This file asks you to watch porn as you listen to it. Later in the file, you will be told to tell porn how thankful you are to it. As you’ve probably already guessed, the “benefits” touted in this file do not have a scientific basis and instead were conjured up just to push your gooner brain deeper down the rabbit hole. This file plays with themes some listeners may find intense. Please read the description fully and use discretion before listening. This file will: - instruct you to put on visual porn before continuing with the file, - drop you into trance, - explain to you the various “benefits” of porn (these benefits have no scientific basis and instead have been made up only to push you further into gooning), - encourage you to sink deeper into porn, - tell you to thank porn for all the benefits it gives you, - encourage you to incorporate porn into your healthy maintenance routine, - make you edge for porn, - wake you. – If you like what I do, please consider supporting me on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/m0mmyl0vesy0u Enjoy!