Storyline: Every year, a planet is picked to hold the Intergalactic Gala. It's a time to learn more about other planets you don't know about and have a good time. This year, the planet is Etov. A small planet with a matriarchal society lead by a president. Arriving there you meet, Thebos, your guide and escort... Includes: Sci-fi, aliens, alien anatomy (she tries her best to compare it to a human's), culture sharing, bondage, rope, teasing, lingerie, begging, and femdom ~ Inclusivity Stuff~ Pet Names: Diplomat, submissive, and property Body Parts Mentioned: hands, wrists, torso, hips, neck, and jaw Misc: Narrator comes from an alien species that have something akin to what humans would call a penetrative clit or cock, words like “pretty” and “gorgeous” are used to describe the listener so don’t listen if you they make you uncomfy,