Swash My BuckleYou have been pursuing the pirate Captain Aurelius Constantinople Plunderpfanzer the Third for some time now, after he stole from the lord of the manor you, the town's Constable, were sworn to protect. You haven't won a single banter-filled duel yet, and have been utterly humiliated every time, but yet you keep coming back. For revenge. Definitely not because you like it. Even though it always turns out the same, with you surrendered on your knees. The pirate gets off on your humiliating defeat, taking you as their prize, lifting your chin up by their sword so they can see the look of anger in your eyes as you're forced to submit.
Sound Effects audio either from ZapSplat (sword swinging sounds: Sword swing: swoosh, fast 1,2 and 4;
sword dropping: Sword drop on floor),
FreeSound (
Airship sounds,
sword fighting sounds: https://freesound.org/people/Timbre/sounds/109437/
clothing sounds: https://freesound.org/people/PeteBarry/sounds/454467/,
jizz sound: https://freesound.org/people/dheming/sounds/197396/ ),
or made (badly) by yours truly.
Special thanks to u/LurkyDip for all your help :DPlay Count: 1565