Welcome back hun~ For the fourth file of Hypnovember I'm gonna turn you into my pretty little puppet~ As usual, this file is fully gender neutral: It uses the terms "good subject", "good puppet" and a handful of pet names ("sweetie", "darling", etc.). It also uses the term "pretty" (especially in "pretty puppet") several times. Once you're in trance, I talk you through your body turning into that of a wooden or plastic doll, and strings being attached to your limbs to pose you! Then I pull you up (into a sitting position, there's no need to stand in this file) and pose you a little, showing you how adorable and helpless you are~ There is some light exhibitionism-y language ("everyone is going to love how pretty you are") but nothing explicit. After that, you get to flop back down and relax while I leave a little trigger in your head to bring you back into the puppet form you're in, and then I slowly wake you up and ramble to you for a bit while you get yourself reoriented ^-^ This file ended up a lot longer than I meant for it to, but I doubt you have a problem with that~ Enjoy, my pretty puppet~