You know what I fantasy I hear a lot of on this subreddit? The doctor's visit gone wrong; the sweet little lady gets drugged by a man in scrubs she just wrongly assumed was a doctor, and he has his way with her as she's too weak to struggle. But you know what fantasy I think would be more fun to explore this time? The doctor's visit itself goes completely right, but the "friend" who was to drive the innocent young woman home afterwards takes advantage of her; both her drugged state, as well as her eagerness to please...but let's be honest, that goes completely right too... Listen Here. This audio is dedicated to the very generous fan who very kindly purchased an Uber voucher for me this week. Just my way of saying thank you <3 TW: this audio features a character who is under the influence of heavy sedation, who is therefore unable to consent to sex. I do not condone taking advantage of anyone in that state besides myself. No VA's were harmed in the creation of this audio.