[MF4A] Sedation Therapy [Haptics] [Medical kink] [Sedation kink] [Roleplay] [Dubcon] [Milking] [Gassed] [Device use] [Collab] [NSFW] [Arousal] [Erotic] [Immersive] [SFX] [Sammystique] [English Accent]Welcome to the specialist clinic, I'm Doctor Yall Fox and this is Doctor Sammys, and today we'll be running a small experiment. We are interested in the chemicals released in the brain during your more... excitable times, and have devised this experiment to help us... one you signed up for, don't you remember?
First I'd like to take you deep down, with this nice gentle relaxing gas, just breathe that in - that's it. Then I'll be attaching this device, invented by Doctor Sammys' herself! - it's particularly effective at collecting the ... er... "samples" we need.
Just sit back, relax, and I promise this will be a fun experience... for all of us... I do love my job~
Medical and sedation kink file designed with haptics in mind (although still highly enjoyable without).
Listen here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/118276338
A huge thank you to one of my favourite hypno creators, Sammystique, for her additional vocals.
Please check her out, she's outstanding!
If you are on my Hypno Horny tier or above you can play this on my website synced with your favourite toy. This file was designed for haptics so you'll get to experience some very enjoyable sensations as the roleplay unfolds. Works with toys for male or female parts, front or rear - the file is not gender specific.
Play it here: https://yallhypno.com/sedation-therapy-nsfwPlay Count: 1966 Verification for GWAHey, itsa me it's Mario!
Not really, it's Yall (yaliplover) doing a validation thingy.Play Count: 195 [M4A] River Sleep [M4A] [SFW] [Relaxing] [Sleep Aid] [Trance] [Visualization]This file is perfect for those nights where you simply cannot slip over into dreams. Where nothing will work as you toss and turn in bed.
This is a gentle relaxation down a calm river as we approach the still waters of the lake of sleep.
Nice whispers, slow cadence, sleepy suggestions... I'm literally yawning writing this.
Anyway, hope you enjoy,
Love Yall. xPlay Count: 110 [M4A] Positive Affirmations [beginner friendly] [hypnosis] [deep trance] [deepeners] [call and response] [self improvement] [affirmations] [relaxing] [whispers] [gentle] [soft] [music] [English accent]Fall for me, and experience a warm gentle hug of a file.
Life can be challenging, and sometimes we all suffer doubts and worries.
I wanted to make a file for those situations, for when you are feeling low, pessimistic, afraid. This is it. This is that file.
I calmly talk you down into a relaxing deep trance. Get you to repeat some phrases after me. These phrases are YOUR truth. Your reality.
You ARE hypnotised
You ARE strong and confident
You ARE kind and worthy of love.
You ARE amazing, and as soon as you realise it, your outlook on the world will change. I’d love you to listen, and let me know how it made you feel.
Love Yall.
Watch here: https://youtu.be/r8LZZcjiJqM
Script here: https://scriptbin.works/u/yaliplover/m4a-positive-affirmations-positive-mood-improver
If you like what I do, please consider joining my Patreon (free) here: https://www.patreon.com/c/yallhypnoPlay Count: 356