*This story was an idea suggested by a patron AND won February's poll - Become a "Pocket Rocket" member or higher to vote for one of the free audios I release a month!! All patrons have the exclusive right to request stories (just send me a DM with your idea) every month 2 new stories get added to the poll and the losing options are carried over - the next poll is posted on the 2nd of each month
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You are the young prince of a noble house that’s newly moved to Baldur’s Gate. As such, it falls on your shoulders to promote your house by winning tournaments, securing allies, and producing a noble heir. There’s just one catch: your wife, a foreign Luskan princess, is a bony frigid nag who has accused you of being sterile. So it’s up to the most beautiful maid in your court to prove your prudish princess wrong...by getting herself pregnant on your cock.
Themes in this audio include: [Fsub] [Fantasy] [Baldur’s Gate Inspired] [Medieval] [Maid] [Desperate] [Servant] [Begging] [Worshiping You] and your [Huge Lordly Cock] [Big Balls] [Cock Kisses] [Slow Deepthroat] [Impreg Talk] [Breed] [Bath] [Wet] [First Time] [Female Virgin] [Doggy] [Creampie] [Extended Orgasm]
Written By Reddit user u/Mental_Trap
Voiced by BrittanyBabbles
Find my masterlist of over 200+ audios on my website