*This story was funded by my Patrons AND won June's poll - Become a "Pocket Rocket" member or higher to vote for one of the free audios I release a month!! All patrons have the exclusive right to request stories (just send me a DM with your idea) every month 2 new stories get added to the poll and the losing options are carried over - the next poll is posted on the 2nd of each month
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Click Here To Listen to Part 1: The Maid Proves Your Princess Is Barren By Getting Herself Pregnant On Your Cock
Part2: Your Maid Has Become Your Princess, And Your Bedchamber Breeder
You’ve made your devoted, sultry maid into your queen, and had your marriage with the barren, bitter princess annulled. Now things are starting to settle. Your maid has given birth to a son. Your father, the King, has passed. The rule of the kingdom is now yours. And your maid has a few suggestions for establishing your dynasty, starting with planning more children
Themes in this audio include: [Maid Fetish] [Breeding] [Fantasy] [Impregnation Fantasy] [Wide Hips] [Kissing] [Cuckqueening] [Infidelity] [Cheating] [Creampie] [Mutual Orgasm] [Magically More Fertile] [Homewrecker] [Mutual Orgasm]
Written By Reddit user u/Mental_Trap
Voiced by BrittanyBabbles
Find my masterlist of 200+ audios on my website