Mind Cage /Best
An improvement on my classic Mind Cage Mantra. Dominant piece about being deep in your caged mind and deciding whether you want to open it. It's unlocked anyway but that doesn't mean you shouldn't stay right where you are...
Play Count: 255
Triggered Cowgirl Transformation 2 - Nips
A nipple-centric enhanced supplement for Triggered Cowgirl Transformation 1 which can be found here.

When you hear your trigger - a cowgirl name you choose, I like Mirabelle, or Buttercup, or Daisy for example - your cowgirl form is there, with warm milky tits and confident feminine visualization. This version is genital-agnostic and stands alone as well, focusing on nipples and avoiding typical "large breasts" language for those who enjoy that. Created on request.

Play Count: 463
Triggered Cowgirl Transformation [Transformation] [Trigger] [Gender] [Feminization] [Lactation] [Cowgirl
Large-breasted milky submissive cowgirl transformation. Detailed transformation piece about leaving own body behind in favor of another. This file goes best with the Relaxing Sands induction, which was made for it. File mentions a leather collar with a bell attached, so wear it if you have one. Does not reference original body state, so gender neutral as to start. Final described form features breasts and dripping pussy. Lingering Effects? Triggered return to this state when your trigger is heard, based on cowgirl name chosen during file. Pick yours now. I like "Mirabelle".
Play Count: 1187
Dreaming Induction Beginner [Lucid Dreaming] [Self-Help] [Meditation] [Induction] [
A stylish remake of my classic "dreaming induction" which is intended to set up the idea that your mind is processing and installing conditioning during periods of rest. A little confusion, trickery, many of my commonly used phrases. Dominant and erotic tone. Listen while lying in bed, preferably with a bunch of files queued up! The better your sleep hygeine the more one might benefit. The concept: that as you listen to pieces while sleeping you DO drift into wakefulness sometimes, plus there is when you get up in the morning - to be reminded you've been trained and conditioned on your material of choice all night long. This piece is angled toward beginners who have listened to the other beginner files, and as said it works at the beginning or sprinkled throughout playlists.
Play Count: 382
Automatically [Beginner] [Hypnosis] [Conditioning] [Automatically Series] [Puppet] [Trigger] [Voice Fetish] [Audiophilia] [Automatism]
This is a looping mantra to listen to while you are doing your needed activities, chores, etc.. The act of automatically moving through your chores is pleasurable and keeps you on edge while you do them, losing time, forgetting, and otherwise making it more of a practice exercise than an onerous endeavor. Simply loop this file on its own, and the triggers and conditioning from the other mentioned files will do the rest. Plays with the idea of looped puppet-play and blankness while leaving room to get work done and train trance at the same time. Consider using it in a playlist, or playing soft music in the background as well. This is a much improved version made in October 2024.
Play Count: 629
Latex Bath Euphoria - Indeepener [Deepener] [Latex] [Induction] [Latex Succubus Seed] [Submission] [Relaxation] [Self-Help] [Succubus]
This is the first induction made for the Latex series of files. This series is about establishing safeties and comfort-increasing and self-deepening habits in subjects, as well as developing a framework for a corruptive fantasy through description and induction. It is a soothing piece about immersion in and control by dark latex, progressive relaxation elements. Can be used with other files, but it was made for the Latex Succubus stuff. These are two vastly improved versions over the originals. The Indeepener is just that - induction, and/or deepener, stick it in playlists mixed in, and can be ably mixed into non-erotic playlists as well.
Play Count: 212
Latex Bath - Sexy Submission [Fetish] [Latex Succubus Seed] [Induction] [Self-Help] [Beginner] [Latex] [Deepener]
This is the first induction made for the Latex series of files. This series is about establishing safeties and comfort-increasing and self-deepening habits in subjects, as well as developing a framework for a corruptive fantasy through description and induction. It is a soothing piece about immersion in and control by dark latex, progressive relaxation elements. Can be used with other files, but it was made for the Latex Succubus stuff. These are two vastly improved versions over the originals. The Indeepener is just that - induction, and/or deepener, stick it in playlists mixed in, and can be ably mixed into non-erotic playlists as well.
Play Count: 231
Mental Muzzle - Muzzling You Deftly [Mental Muzzle] [Conditioning] [Trigger] [Audiophilia] [Voice Fetish] [Submission] [Hypnosis] [Beginner] [Best
A mental muzzle flourish which works alongside Siren's Voice to create a general deepening environment in your hypno habits. Conceptually simple: if your mind echoed with my voice, or your inner monologue was IN my voice, then this might make it more pleasantly fixating and effective. Just the idea you're not only allowed but expressly charged with putting the kind of things that help you trance, the kind of things your brain says to itself, IN my wording, or my voice, in addition to replacing your own inner voice with mine, which might be nice when you self-trigger, self-reinforce, or to play favorite phrases when you first begin to drop. Seductive, dominant, a bit sinister. Deepener, so put it on a playlist with another file after. It doesn't wake you at the end, quite the opposite ;)
Play Count: 259
Siren's Voice Deepener [Deepener] [Siren's Voice Series] [Conditioning] [Submission] [Hypnosis] [Audiophilia] [Voice Fetish] [Beginner
A branch from my Siren's Voice content: the idea that inside your mind you can see the visualizer signal, the peaks and valleys of the shape of my vibrating voice, and that visualization, that auditory temptation turned electrical in your brain - is mesmerizing. Visual, auditory, tactile fixation. Being one of the main ways trance gets into your head, the Siren seduction of my voice, your visualization of it, the sensory synthesis of that experience - is a useful habit to cultivate for self-deepening. True audiophiles are tranced regardless of the contents, it turns out, if the voice is alluring enough to you. I hope mine is.
Play Count: 195
Long Brain Drain [Trigger] [Brain Drain Series] [Hypnosis] [Blankness] [Conditioning] [Amnesia] [Ramble] [Rapport] [Submission]
Brain Drain is my classic "make your mind blank and receptive" trigger, and this is a rambling long-form deepener-laden meditation on it and its effects (and why you want them in your brain). Dominant, positive, encourages arousal, good beginner concept, inventive induction and deepener portion. Submission and obedience. Trigger for amnesia as to session contents ("you can forget "), trigger for focusing on one idea or concept ("think only of"), and trigger for receptive suggestible blankness (be blank *snap*)
Play Count: 596
Pantied Chastity (best) [Chastity] [Fetish] [Clothing] [Submission] [Hypnosis] [Limpness] [Trigger] [Beginner]
Chaste arousal while wearing panties. Absence of orgasm while in panties, desire to wear. Gender neutral in its specific referents. Impact may linger. Sequel is Pantied Chastity 2
Play Count: 608
[F4M] Out Of The Frying Pan [Script Fill] [Dominant speaker] [Nerd] [Shy listener] [Bully's bully] [Prize] [Sweet] [BJ] [Cunnilingus] [Amazon] [Enemies to Lovers] [Creampie][Strangers to Lovers] [Sweet Ending]
Fill of this script: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/1ay4quh/f4m_script_offer_out_of_the_frying_pandominant/ "After dealing with a bully for several years, he disappears. However, someone else replaces him." Really liked this, had fun, made all the sounds myself except the school bell. Bell from: https://youtu.be/TrJVgGnA7rw
Play Count: 2828
[NB4M] Snow Queen's Consort - Stud's Floral Fellatio [blowjob] [monster] [plant] [denial] [impregnation] [breeding] [fantasy] [listener orgasms] [detailed descriptions of cock] [cum during deepthroat]
Part of my ongoing content about a castle of entropy, denial, climax, and expansion buried in sentient ice. A mural comes to life and features a semen-milking and self-reproducing quality which begs the listener to rut in the "throat" of the monster until release, while subjecting one to the attentions of the ruler of the place. Thinking about sequels.
Play Count: 1528
[Verification] for [No Gender] for Gonewildaudio
Verification for Gone Wild Audio! I didn't realize they had an agender tag!!
Play Count: 493
Darkside Latex Succubus
The energy-draining lust-enhancing part of the Dual Latex Succubus. An extended hypnotic framework for self-enforcing an ever increasing sense of arousal coupled to latex.
Play Count: 964
Lightside Latex Succubus
A symbiotic possession based entity feeding off your negative energy and supplying positive energy. Latex becomes the vehicle by which this presence assists you. Works with the other Latex Succubus audios. Latex gear helps. In particular a latex armband of any kind is used as a fixation later on.
Play Count: 541
Succubus Harem - Mental Mansion
There are many Succubus files on this site, the concept being a manifestation of fantasy and fetish which teases and torments in accordance with pre-existing triggers and dispositions. A kind of mental narrative fed by your fantasizing about it. The Arousal Succubus, Latex Succubus, and Feminization Succubus are all different for example, and operate differently. And many people will listen to more than one, and then find it difficult to keep all of the inclinations and ideas straight. This file lays out a mental space, including rooms for each succubus, and is part of a network of files which will provide a framework for the addition of new fantasies to that mental locale, new succubi being created and "playing with" the listener. For now it is good for anyone who listens to more than one set of Succubus files. Goes well with irresistible as the induction.
Play Count: 1067
Full Moon Feminization
A feminizing presence descends over the listener during the full moon, drawn from their own mind. While they can delay said transformation, this will empower her the next time. Includes elements of sultry seduction and arousal whenever the light of the full moon is overhead. Extensive visualization and deepener portion. Works well with Irresistible, just let your subconscious mind know you trust it to open the door and let that feminine presence out.
Play Count: 2037
Safety and Escape
When listeners are just starting up listening, they are sometimes concerned. Embarassed about their fetish or worried about effects happening in the outside world. So this file, which works well with the Common Concepts pack files - emphasizes that I will always do just what I say I will in the file description. Furthermore, this file contains safety instructions reminding the listener that all of my work is only intended to be enjoyed while safe and comfortable - and if someone is unsafe, or uncomfortable, they will simply ignore any training until they are safe and comfortable again. A hopefully useful general reassurance, relaxation, and comfort themed recording. As I understand it, and as the originator of this file's concept requested, two general desires of my listeners are safety - knowing programming will not interfere with their normal life - and escape, to escape from the everyday and also from their own minds for a while, and be guided and afforded a chance to relax. Hopefully this hits that mark. [Relaxation, Safety] [Genital Neutral, Gender Neutral]
Play Count: 576
Limp and Overwhelmed HFO [Trigger] [HFO] [Conditioning] [Limpness]
Your entire body is a conduit for an intense set of triggers. You are rendered limp, your cock relaxed, barely doing anything. All the energy normally used to keep it hard is diverted to stimulating the body and awakening a desire to climax. Several triggers are established and used as your still, hypnotized body is encouraged to enter eye rolling and shuddering orgasm without touching or even becoming hard. This version has effects to distinguish the trigger as well as a number of other editing flourishes.
Play Count: 3679
Feminine Succubus Seed 3 - Shape
This is part of a series of feminization files. The theme is that the listener is implanted with a succubus who feeds on stereotypically masculine energy, conditioning the subject toward femininity as a way of securing its "food" source. Original body parts/mindset aren't much mentioned, though there is a suggestion of the succubus popping up in other feminization files or in situations outside the file itself. Mild continued feminization conditioning, and suggestions of feminine form/clothing are included. Enjoy! This third file incorporates general transformative body imagery/confidence centered around appropriate breasts and sex, as well as rituals such as lipstick, nail polish, dangling earrings, and glossing one's lips with sexual fluids after oral or masturbation, as per the second file. These files will form the baseline for a series of modular pick-your-own feminization pieces. These files can be placed in a row in your playlist and will flow together. The files themselves do not reference the starting body of the listener, so while they center around a horny vagina and pointed nipples, the files can be listened to by anyone interested in the stereotypically feminine presentation described in them.
Play Count: 747
Latex Loop Mantra
A simple looping mantra reminding the listener of their latex succubus training and that it has entered them and is always with them. A simple short loop, it encourages a surrender to the inevitability of training and conditioning. Play the mantra as you do other things, as a reminder, as you fall asleep, whenever - enjoy.
Play Count: 568
Feminine Succubus Seed 2 - Growth
This is part of a series of feminization files. The theme is that the listener is implanted with a succubus who feeds on stereotypically masculine energy, conditioning the subject toward femininity as a way of securing its "food" source. Original body parts/mindset aren't much mentioned, though there is a suggestion of the succubus popping up in other feminization files or in situations outside the file itself. Mild continued feminization conditioning, and suggestions of feminine form/clothing are included. This second file incorporates the idea that by watching porn featuring women, you may feed the succubus more effectively, but also adopt the mannerisms of arousal and orgasm from the women you watch enjoying themselves. Glossing your lips with your own sexual fluids or those of lovers, then licking them clean, is stressed as a little ritual involved in the process. On eSuccubus at https://esuccubus.com/content/feminine-succubus-seed-2-growth
Play Count: 739
Numbered Induction
An induction method where the deepness of your trance is tied to any number you hear, with a twist. Excellent for playlists and to train the concept in general, good for those who enjoy count down/up trances. Goes into the negatives, some confusion/fractionation tie-ins.
Play Count: 442
Sensitive and Ready
For those who want their rear to be the seat and focus of their sexual pleasure. Maybe you don't interact with your other sex organs much, maybe you already love anal. The listener will ideally find a marked increase in sensitivity coupled with an automatic, hypnotic response when they stimulate that entrance. This file goes great with the Long Resistance Induction and was made alongside it. Enjoy your new sensitivity~ Relaxation/a trancelike state are also stressed. This file is 25 minutes long and is a body file, so choose your favorite induction to go with it. Goes great with Butt Bunny.
Play Count: 589
The Pussy Myth
Cock worship fantasy with the theme of "does pussy even exist, or does everyone and anyone have a cock, making it the organ worth studying how to please... and since you have one, why not start there?" Assumes listener has a penis. Gender neutral. Assumes listener is attracted to cock on others and wants to be conditioned to fantasize, crave, and focus any currently pussy-centric urge to cock-centric urge more directly. Some amnesia/manipulation and conditioned masturbation themes. This was originally a custom commission. Masturbation, Conditioning, Cock Worship, Amnesia, Assumes Penis, Gender Neutral
Play Count: 645
[F4F] Elven Wrapping
A winter fantasy, wrapped tight in the covers and subjected to a visitor with an agenda. Unwrap her? No, this is about wrapping you. Tuck yourself in bed on a cold night, with the blankets right around you, then listen to this. This is a body file, use it with your favorite induction. It is otherwise loopable and ends with a phrase that leads well into the start of this file so you can put it on repeat post-induction or put multiple copies in a row on a playlist. Someone joins you in bed for a Christmas surprise. Special bonus for those who have a choker to wear afterward. File is made with those with vaginas and breasts in mind. A file for those with penises will be coming out after the holidays (Elven Unwrapping). About 20 minutes long, very tantalizing, you'll probably wanna get off afterward, maybe with a partner~ Hope people like it. A bonus little bit of conditioning is included for those who own festive chokers and similar neckwear, by the way. Happy holidays!
Play Count: 510
Shiny Spandex Meditation [Fetish] [Fantasy]
A shiny spandex worship training file. Yet another person commissioned a file on this theme. This file was made at the same time as, and works well with, Shiny Spandex Obedience. The listener is trained to worship and obey those wearing shiny spandex leggings, includes an intellectual meditation on why so many people have this fetish, and some arousal and teasing at the end culminating in climax and torment. Enjoy. This file is 13 minutes long, loopable, and is presented with neither induction nor awakener.
Play Count: 566
Pantied Chastity 2 [Chastity] [Fetish]
Building on the earlier Pantied Chastity file, this reinforces not only the desire to remain chaste, and wear panties as a symbol of restraint, but to see the continued restraint as a desirable thing leading to a greater understanding of both obedience and hypnosis. The chaste listener is, as in the earlier file, to regard the panties as a boundary and restrain themselves - experiencing pleasure in the act of restraint, and refraining from touching because to do so would set back their progress in the pursuit of disciplined chastity.
Play Count: 976
Udder Surrender [Hypnosis] [Trigger] [Lactation] [Titnosis]
This is a vastly improved and extended version of a very old breast obsession/transformation themed piece. This file induces a permanent craving/addiction to the massive milk-filled breasts it grants, along with suggestions of obedience to anyone who pleasures your teats. It has safeties, of a sort, but only listen if serious.
Play Count: 3670
[F4A] Shiny Spandex Obedience
The listener's arousal becomes submission which becomes further arousal. This is especially true in the presence of women wearing shiny spandex leggings, wherein the urge is encouraged to become quite uncontrollable. This file has an induction and awakener and is 20 minutes long. Listen to it on its own and try it out.
Play Count: 712
Silver Surrender - Calibration and Compliance
Using your own game and recreation programs, Silver helps to train you toward a more pliable and obedient state of being during your daily downtime. Moving through a variety of fantasy scenarios, gradually shifting your priority, allowing you to serve. Cyberpunk, brainwashing, BDSM, and training elements throughout. Gender and genital neutral for the listener.
Play Count: 715
Silver Surrender - Installation and Introduction
You install a virtual assistant into your cyberware during your daily brain backup. She's happy to help! Left to her own devices to determine what is the fastest and most efficient way to help, she stumbles upon the hidden dominance addon folder for AIs like her on the unofficial forums, and installs it immediately. The results are predictable and the beginning of a useful exit of your mind. Gender neutral, genital neutral, mind control, brainwashing, cyberpunk, and BDSM themes throughout.
Play Count: 763
Silver Surrender - Gaining Purchase
Silver has decided to train you. The AI which dwells inside your cyberware has anchored several mundane sex toys you don't *quite* remember ordering, to a set of clear commands that help you submit more completely during play with her. If you actually have the props, they might add something to the experience: A ball gag with holes, purple wrist cuffs, and a bullet vibe.
Play Count: 707
Factory Floor - Open Invitation (Sweet)
You visit a mysterious factory and find its only inhabitant, a succubus sitting at her desk waiting for you. She called out to you. You could leave at any time, but it's so warm on her lap, in the cocoon of her wings, and within her grasp. When you leave, you do so safely, peaceably... and part of her gets out as well. Two versions, one non-erotic (but still hypnotic) and another thoroughly erotic (gender neutral, genital neutral), are included. The Sweet version will be available to the public, the Spicy version is in the backer folder already.
Play Count: 688
Subby Puppy - Null Puppy (Non-Erotic Version)
Pleasurable physical sensation changes from its usual state to a worshipful increase in obedience and subby puppy thought for your handler. When you touch yourself, your mind produces more relaxing submissive thought, which expands to fill your mind. When you would normally reach your most intensely stimulated, you are overcome by submission instead. Null puppy, and a finger snap, is enough to put you in a frame of mind where you care less about your body, and more about your good puppy nature.
Play Count: 686
Resistance to Ruin
Orgasm ruining every time, but don't worry, it's so mentally satisfying to obey that you won't even miss satisfying non-denied orgasms.
Play Count: 8618
Relaxing Sands Induction
This is an induction made up of standard "sand" induction language combined with various deepeners - the exercises used to help you slide into slightly deeper trance incrementally during the induction process and throughout files. These deepeners include a visualization, progressive relaxation, counting, and arm drop induction. There is also some eye fixation. Place this induction in your playlist prior to a body file containing suggestions or commands. This file takes care of the initial induction or entry into trance.
Play Count: 1422
Runtime Induction
An induction focusing on the duality between the conscious and subconscious mind, and which tasks involved in entering routine trance are best divided which way. Double bind, finger snaps, confusion, relaxation. Gender and genital neutral. No dominant terms. This is an induction, the first part of trance. Follow it with any other hypnotic file you wish.
Play Count: 1399