Podcasturbation-2025-0130: EDging -- Paraphilic Masturbation to Erectile Dysfunction
As is well established, the sexual practice of extended masturbation (“edging”) is linked to Masturbation-Induced Erectile Dysfunction (MIED), resulting from habituation of the pleasure center to the unnaturally intense gratification produced. Distinct from organic impotence, the MIED penis cycles through erect and flaccid states during masturbation but consistently fails in coital challenges. Today we discuss a newly-characterized paraphilic behavior we term “EDging”, in which the MIED masturbator fetishizes the feelings of failure and humiliation associated with erectile dysfunction and incorporates ED themes into his masturbatory edging practice. EDging is often performed in groups of fellow EDgers, offering mutual encouragement and stimulation. EDgers become trapped in a pattern of EDging leading to further MIED and even more EDging. --- [M4M] [MIED] [PIED] [erectile dysfunction] [impotence] [humiliation] [fuck failure] [masturbation addiction] [chronic masturbator] Check out my website for chronic masturbators https://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 221
Podcasturbation-2024-1212: Mr. Richard's Pussy-Free Neighborhood
It's a beautiful day in the Pussy-Free Neighborhood. Won't you be my neighbor? --- [M4M] [chronic masturbator] [pussyfree] [pussy-free] [impotent] [fuck failure] [virgins] [PPAD] [acceptance] [comfort, safety, validation] [connection, belonging]
Play Count: 887
Podcasturbation-2024-1102: You Will be Pussy-Free
There are only two kinds of masturbators: those who are pussy-free, and those who will be pussy-free. Have you gone pussy-free yet? Are you in denial? Virgins, fuck-failures, intra-pussy copulators, post-pussy masturbators, this podcasturbation will help you realize where you and all masturbators will wind up. --- [M4M] [chronic masturbator] [pussyfree] [pussy-free] [ejaculation] [erectile dysfunction] [impotence] [humiliation] [fuck failure] [virgins] [PPAD] Check out my website for chronic masturbators https://onania.org/asm/ Discuss on https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/ Join me live on Discord https://onania.org/asm/onania-masturbatorium-on-discord/
Play Count: 537
Podcasturbation-2024-0810: Consequences of Masturbating Too Much
If you masturbate too much, here is what you can expect. The consequences are real and impactful. The good news is that not all consequences are unwelcome. The bad news is that you can't avoid them if you masturbate too much, and it's already too late to stop. --- [M4M] [masturbation addiction] [chronic masturbator] [pussyfree] [pussy-free] [ejaculation] [erectile dysfunction] [impotence] [humiliation] [fuck failure] [PPAD]
Play Count: 1766
Podcasturbation-2024-0606: Are You Masturbating Too Much?
Are you masturbating too much? How much is "too much"? What are the signs of masturbating too much? We discuss this issue and some of its factors. --- [M4M] [masturbation addiction] [chronic masturbator] [pussyfree] [pussy-free] [ejaculation] [erectile dysfunction] [impotence] [humiliation] [fuck failure] [PPAD]
Play Count: 1082
Quickie-2024-0530: Masturbator Sex with a Fuck Failure
I often have live online "masturbator sex" with other masturbators, and my favorite subject is recalling our historical failures at normal copulation. "Fuck failures" really arouse me. This is an audio recording of my side of a masturbator-sex session, excluding the voice of the other party. He is an adult male chronic masturbator, pussy free, with a history of failed copulatory attempts. On his last attempt, a one-night stand, he was naked with a woman but could not obtain an erection. The recording begins in mid conversation and ends with my ejaculatory appreciation of his story. --- [M4M] [masturbation] [chronic masturbator] [pussyfree] [pussy-free] [ejaculation] [erectile dysfunction] [impotence] [humiliation] [fuck failure] [PPAD] Check out my website for chronic masturbators https://onania.org/asm/ Join me live on Discord https://onania.org/asm/onania-masturbatorium-on-discord/
Play Count: 2238
Podcasturbation-2024-0430: Living with Masturbation-Induced Erectile Dysfunction (MIED)
Over time, chronic masturbation (especially involving prolonged edging) impairs a male's erectile competence. Total impotence may result, though rarely. The typical subject experiences cycles of alternating penile turgidity and flaccidity during masturbation, often ejaculating with a soft penis. MIED has been termed "Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction" (PIED), but the primary etiology is habituation to the unnatural intensity of manual gratification, replacing more diffuse rewards of copulation. Eventually the masturbator is unable to maintain or even obtain erection during penetrative sex and abandons his attempts at copulation. MIED is progressive and generally irreversible, rendering the masturbator pussy-free for life. --- [M4M] [masturbation] [chronic masturbator] [pussyfree] [pussy-free] [ejaculation] [MIED] [PIED] [erectile dysfunction] [impotence]
Play Count: 1961
Podcasturbation-2024-0411: Goodbye to Pussy - The Final Fuck of the PussyFree Masturbator
At some point every pussy-free masturbator has his final fuck. It is a special event, a memory to cherish, although he may not realize it at the time. This podcasturbation discusses your final fuck and preparing yoursself to say Goodbye to Pussy. --- [M4M] [masturbation] [chronic masturbator] [pussyfree] [pussy-free] [ejaculation] [beta]
Play Count: 1700
Podcasturbation-2024-0314: Pussyfree Cure for Alpha Male Imposter Syndrome
Alpha Male Imposter Syndrome (AMIS) is the sexual dysphoria arising when a natural chronic masturbator attempts to present as a real man (an alpha male). This podcasturbation advocates the highly effective pussyfree cure. --- [M4M] [masturbation] [chronic masturbator] [pussyfree] [pussy-free] [ejaculation] [beta] [masturbator dysphoria]
Play Count: 1911
Quickie-2024-0208 Finishing after supporting other pathetic pussy-free masturbators.
Play Count: 1259
Quickie-2024-0201 Finishing after supporting other pathetic pussy-free masturbators.
Play Count: 788
Podcasturbation-2024-0119: Gooning for Pussy-Free Jerk Junkies
Are you a pussy-free jerk junkie? I am so glad you are! Will you be my good boy and goon for me? I'll goon for you too. --- [M4M] [masturbation] [chronic masturbator] [pussyfree] [pussy-free] [ejaculation] [gooning] [babble] [virgin] [fuck-failure] [limp penis] [humiliation]
Play Count: 4421
Podcasturbation-2023-1213: Pussy-Free Enablement for Masturbators
Podcasturbation-2023-1213: Pussy-Free Enablement for Masturbators Are you pussy-free, or considering it, but feel uncertain of the choice? This podcasturbation provides advice for virgins, copulators, or post-pussy masturbators about going pussy-free. We define the benefits and identify blocking issues. We seek to enable, not convert; the choice is yours. Warning: normal males should not listen, to avoid risk of accidental pussy-free conversion. [M4M] [chronic masturbation] [pussy-free] [support] [encouragement] [virgins] [fuck-failure] [impotence] [orgasm] [philosophy of masturbation]
Play Count: 2270
Podcasturbation-2023-1122: How Male Masturbators become Pussy-Free
Podcasturbation-2023-1122: How Male Masturbators become Pussy-Free We discuss why and how males become pussy-free. Phases of the process: Othering, Differentiation, Sexualizing Inferiority, Establishing Pussyfree Normalcy, and The Pussyfree Orgasm. Referencing Wellington Rose' "The Power of Pussyfree Conditioning" https://medium.com/@wellingtonRose/the-power-of-pussyfree-conditioning-ea83365d0130 [M4M] [chronic masturbation] [humiliation] [orgasm] [philosophy of masturbation]
Play Count: 2385
Podcasturbation-2023-1102: Shame on My Good Boy
Podcasturbation-2023-1102: Shame on My Good Boy -- You are my special good boy and it's only natural for good boys to be ashamed. [good boy] [being naughty] [masturbation] [embarrassment] [feeling shame] [encouragement] [chronic masturbator support] [orgasm]
Play Count: 2128
Podcasturbation-2023-0809: Pussy Denial for Jerk Junkies
Podcasturbation-2023-0809: Pussy Denial for Jerk Junkies - You are beyond merely pussy-free. You are pussy-denied. Because you are a jerk junkie. Jerk junkies don't get pussy. They get pussy denial. [masturbation] [humiliation] [pussyfree] [frustration] [chronic masturbator] [orgasm] [ejaculation]
Play Count: 2801
Podcasturbation-2023-0406: Helping Masturbators Masturbate
Podcasturbation-2023-0406: Helping Masturbators Masturbate Are you a Masturbator? Do you need help masturbating? Of course you do. Especially if you are a pathetic pussy-free masturbator. I help Masturbators masturbate; that's what I do.
Play Count: 3822
Podcasturbation-22-0622: The Safety Penis
Podcasturbation-22-0622: The Safety Penis Do you have a Safety Penis? A penis that is "intrinsically safe"? One that automatically goes limp when it is near pussy or invited to penetrate? Or pops off harmlessly in a premature ejaculation? Then this podcasturbation is for you.
Play Count: 2012
Podcasturbation-22-0512: Pussy-Free Fuck Failure
Podcasturbation-22-0512: Pussy-Free Fuck Failure - Not for real men: Just for pussy-free masturbators who fail at fucking. You know what you are. Or maybe you are in a state of denial, and this is what you will eventually become. Fucking is not in your present, or in your future. But you can eroticize that, and enjoy your handpussy with me. [chronic masturbation] [male masturbator] [orgasm] [ejaculation] [JOE] [moaning] [improvisation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [humiliation]
Play Count: 2904
Podcasturbation-22-0526: Therapy with Doctor C
Podcasturbation-22-0526: Therapy with Doctor C. A very private therapy session recorded in response to a fantasy sent to me by a special lady.
Play Count: 2373
Podcasturbation-22-0221: Pussy Free? Or Pussy Denied?
Podcasturbation-22-0221: Pussy Free? Or Pussy Denied? More and more chronic male masturbators identify as "pussy free", which often is a voluntary choice, and they feel no distress at the lack of pussy. Others continue to crave pussy (at least in their minds) but are denied pussy for one reason or another. This podcasturbation explores the difference, and gives support for full pussy-denied masturbator gratification. [chronic] [masturbation] [masturbator] [orgasm] [ejaculation] [JOE] [moaning] [ramblefap] [gooning] [penis babble]
Play Count: 3178
Podcasturbation-22-0127: The Ejaculatory Reflex
Podcasturbation-22-0127: The Ejaculatory Reflex The ejaculatory reflex is a central focus for every chronic masturbator, whether he is a fequent ejaculator or a cum denier. We discuss the nature of our favorite reflex, and practice a little red light/green light control exercise. You can hear all my podcasturbations at https://soundgasm.net/u/onania_org Check out my website for chronic masturbators https://onania.org/asm/ Join me live on Discord https://onania.org/asm/onania-masturbatorium-on-discord/
Play Count: 3546
Podcasturbation-21-1114: Jerk Junkie Jerk-off
You know what you are; you know what you need. That's why you are here. Join me.
Play Count: 5776
Podcasturbation-#21-1014: Pussy-free Masturbator Chants
Podcasturbation-#21-1014: Pussy-free Masturbator Chants. Are you a pussy-free masturbator? A pathetic, no-pussy masturbator? You can still have good sex, as long as you don't bother a pussy. Join me in chanting while we enjoy pathetic no-pussy masturbator sex.
Play Count: 3966
Podcasturbation-#21-0108: Delusions of Adequacy
Do you believe that you are sexually adequate? Seriously?!! Most chronic addicted masturbators eventually abandon any delusions of sexual adequacy they might have held. But there are rewards in finally embracing both sexual incompetence and total masturbation addiction.
Play Count: 5044
Podcasturbation #21-0902: Male Masturbators Need Male Masturbators
There is a strong need in most heterosexual male masturbators to seek out and share their experiences with othe male masturbators. This can be confusing or even disturbing, as it causes them to examine their familiar sexual orientation. It's perfectly normal, and quite common. This podcasturbation addresses our needs to share with other masturbators. (The podcast is shorter than I planned due to an interruption, but I did manage to continue through ejaculation for you.)
Play Count: 4264
Podcasturbation-2021-0812: Bosom Buddy
A special podcasturbation for a friend I have known and masturbated with since the 1990's. We both have a big (really big) breast fetish, and both are now post-pussy masturbators. All we can do is masturbate to the images of big breasts. But, isn't that enough? Warning: you don't get to ejaculate at the end (but I do).
Play Count: 2684
Podcasturbation-21-0507: You Should Be Ashamed
Masturbation is becoming mainstream, losing the shame and stigma associated with the act. More people today are open about masturbating for pleasure. But you don't just masturbate, you are a masturbator. BEING a MASTURBATOR is still shameful, and you should be ashamed.
Play Count: 3597
Podcasturbation-21-0325: Pussy-Free: Give up, Give in, Get off
Are you a pre-pussy virgin? Are you a mature former pussy-fucker? Struggling against being puss-free? It's time to give up the struggle, give up on pussy, give in to your permanent pussy-free life. And enjoy the reward of getting off to living pussy-free. This podcasturbation will help.
Play Count: 5397
Podcasturbation-21-0108: You are My Special Good Boy
Are you a good boy? A special good boy? Many chronic masturbators need the comfort and reassurance that they are good boys, especially in that vulnerable moment of ejaculatory climax. You were Mommie's special good boy. And now you are MY special good boy.
Play Count: 8711
Podcasturbation-20-1229: "You are Addicted to Masturbation"
Podcasturbation-20-1229: "You are Addicted to Masturbation". You can deny it, but you can't escape. A session to help you accept and surrender. Reinforcement, chanting, and ejaculation encouragement and aftercare. You can't help it.
Play Count: 6953
Podcasturbation-20-1217: Masturbation Castration
Podcasturbation-20-1217: Masturbation Castration Castration / emasculation / neutering / eunuch : are these trigger words for you? Let's explore the mysterious connection between castration themes and masturbation.
Play Count: 11205
Podcasturbation #20-1119: Thank You for Not Fucking
Podcasturbation #20-1119: Thank You for Not Fucking Are you a pussy-free male masturbator? A penis-free female masturbator? Has chronic masturbation replaced fucking in your life? I'm glad. It is good, and not just for you. It is good for your partner or potential partners, and good for society. If you are fuck-free, I hope you stay that way. If you are heading that way, here are some points of encouragement.
Play Count: 2181
Podcasturbation #20-1030: Limpotence
Podcasturbation #20-1030: Limpotence Limpotence: A specific form of male Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, frequently observed in chronic masturbators. The limpotent male is unable to perform penetrative sex with a partner due to situational erectile failure. When presented with an opportunity for orificial (vaginal, oral, or anal) penetration, the subject fails to achieve or loses his erection. In common language, he "goes limp", hence the term Limpotence. The condition is distinguished from conventional impotence by the subject's ability to achieve and maintain penile erections during prolonged periods of manual masturbation. Limpotence is usually the result of abnormally frequent and prolonged masturbation, because the chronic masturbator becomes habituated to gratification in his own hand rather than a partner's orifices. "Going limp" during subsequent efforts at partner sex is humiliating and sets up a humiliation/aversion response that reinforces his masturbatory focus. Limpotence soon becomes a permanent and incurable condition. (See also Pussy Penetration Anxiety Disorder.) Although impotent for conventional partner sex, the limpotent male may enjoy an active and gratifying sex life by seeking out other limpotent males for mutual support and masturbatory sharing.
Play Count: 3820
Podcasturbation #20-0902: Chant Support for the No-Pussy Masturbator
Podcasturbation #20-0902: Chant Support for the No-Pussy Masturbator Are you a no-pussy masturbator? Are you one of those pathetic masturbators who ruined yourself for the real thing? Or maybe a shy virgin who never got his dickie wet? But you still crave it, or think you do. And the weird thing, confessing you a no-pussy masturbator arouses you. Here is a long chant session to press your no-pussy buttons. Wait until you are alone, crank up the audio, and chant along with me.
Play Count: 3022
Podcasturbation #20-0728: Shaming the Masturbator Penis
Podcasturbation #20-0728: Shaming the Masturbator Penis. Are you one of those masturbators who is ashamed of your penis? Then join me and let's do a little penis shaming. (This is a short podcasturbation to test out a recording app.)
Play Count: 2769
Podcasturbation #17-0810: Goony! Goony! Goony!
Podcasturbation #17-0810: Goony! Goony! Goony! A quick gooning session by a very goony masturbator.  [chronic]  [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [penis babble] [moaning]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 8973
Hotline #16-0215: Moaning with Jane
Hotline #16-0215: Moaning with Jane I masturbate with Jane from Chicago (Wet Jane) on the Masturbation Support Hotline.  [chronic]  [masturbation] [edging] [teasing]  [JOE] [pussy] [female] [phonesex] [ramblefap] [gooning] [penis babble] [moaning]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 7347
Podcasturbation #17-0722: I'm glad you are pathetic!
Podcasturbation #17-0722: I'm glad you are pathetic! You are a pathetic masturbator, and I'm glad. It arouses me. I like you that way. Is that wrong of me?   [chronic]  [masturbation] [embarrassment] [humiliation] [namecalling] [degradation] [JOE] [pathetic] [shame] [philosophy of masturbation] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 4907
Podcasturbation #17-0615: Resistance is Futile. You will be ejaculated.
Podcasturbation #17-0615: Resistance is Futile. You will be ejaculated. As inevitable as the Borg, male masturbators can not escape being ejaculated. [chronic]  [masturbation] [edging] [teasing] [JOE] [JOI] [ejaculation] [orgasm] [philosophy of masturbation] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 5554
Podcasturbation #17-0607: Pussy Penetration Anxiety Disorder
Podcasturbation #17-0607: Pussy Penetration Anxiety Disorder We discuss PPAD, or Pussy Penetration Anxiety Disorder, a condition often afflicting chronic masturbators. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Masturbatory Disorders this is recognized as the loss of erection, failure to erect, or premature ejaculation when presented with a penetrable pussy. We review the scientific knowledge about the condition and the generally poor prognosis for recovery.  Masturbators are advised that the subject may cause sexual arousal in PPAD sufferers and lead to an uncontrollable need to ejaculate. Prior to beginning the program, please be in a safe and private space. Furthermore, please review Warning for the Satire-Impaired [chronic]  [masturbation] [impotence] [erectile dysfunction] [embarrassment]  [humiliation] [namecalling] [degradation] [pathetic] [penis] [shame] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2863
Podcasturbation #17-0515: The Breast Thing about Masturbation
Podcasturbation #17-0515: The Breast Thing about Masturbation So many male masturbators are fixated on Big Breasts. Why do massive mammaries fascinate, arouse, and stimulate masturbators to such intense masturbatory gratification? Join me in a personal revery over big bosoms. Warning: a lot of silly gooning ahead.  [breasts] [tits] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [penis babble] [moaning]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 4244
Podcasturbation #16-1121B: Hotel Humping Binge Masturbation
Podcasturbation #16-1121B: Hotel Humping Binge Masturbation For masturbators, hotels aren't just for sleeping. They are opportunities for depraved masturbatory orgies: humping the room in binge masturbation. This podcasturbation was the second recording I made in one night; I just couldn't stop masturbating.  [chronic]  [masturbation] [edging] [humping] [compulsive]  [stupid]  [gooning] [penis babble] [moaning]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 5735
Podcasturbation #16-1121A: Jerk-Shaming the Chronic Masturbator
Podcasturbation #16-1121A: Jerk-Shaming the Chronic Masturbator In this enlightened and politically correct era, we know not to shame people. No fat-shaming, body-shaming, queer-shaming, etc. But some people are still fair game for the shaming-bullies: chronic masturbator jerk-offs like you.. [chronic]  [masturbation] [embarrassment]  [humiliation] [namecalling] [degradation] [JOE] [pathetic] [shame] [philosophy of masturbation] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 4762
Podcasturbation #16-0519: The Post-Pussy Masturbator
Podcasturbation #16-0519: The Post-Pussy Masturbator Are you still able to have vaginal intercourse? Or have you become a post-pussy masturbator? If not yet, you eventually will, and sooner than you think. This podcasturbation discusses the three phases of the heterosexual male masturbator: pre-pussy, intra-pussy, and post-pussy. The post-pussy phase is explored, in both its negative and positive aspects.  [chronic]  [masturbation] [humiliation] [namecalling] [degradation] [pathetic] [impotence] [erectile disorder] [philosophy of masturbation] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2569
Podcasturbation #16-0118: Less is More: A Small Penis is Best for Masturbators
Podcasturbation #16-0118: Less is More: A Small Penis is Best for Masturbators Do you have a small penis? You are lucky. Small penises are best for chronic masturbators like you. If you don't have a small penis, then you can enjoy small penis envy in this podcasturbation. [chronic]  [masturbation] [embarrassment]  [humiliation] [namecalling] [degradation] [pathetic] [small penis] [sph] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 7106
Podcasturbation #15-0918: Masturbators masturbating to masturbation
Podcasturbation #15-0918: Masturbators masturbating to masturbation What is it about that word, "masturbation"? Or the act itself? One of the defining characteristics of a true chronic masturbator is fascination with everything about the act, and with other masturbators. Are you a masturbator who masturbates to masturbation?  [chronic]  [masturbation] [edging] [teasing] [denial] [namecalling] [JOE] [ramblefap] [philosophy of masturbation]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 6042
Kate's little jerk toy
I masturbate for Kate. (She knows who she is!)
Play Count: 1891
Jerking for Jane 18-0613
I masturbate to voicemails of "Jane from Chicago"
Play Count: 1958
Podcasturbation #15-0203: Couch Pussy Pitty-Fuck
Podcasturbation #15-0203: Couch Pussy Pitty-Fuck Hey, Masturbator — are you getting any pussy? I didn’t think so. What you need is a pittyfuck, and the sure way to get one is from a couch. What, you’ve never humped a couch? Just get out your FleshLight or make a homemade rubber pussy, and let’s get a couch pussy pittyfuck. (Sorry about the audio clicks on this recording).  [pity fuck] [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [degradation] [humiliation] [JOI] [pathetic] [plastic pussy] [couch pussy] [furniture fucking] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2821
Podcasturbation #14-1216: Emasculated by masturbation
Podcasturbation #14-1216: Emasculated by masturbation Are you a manly masturbator? Or do you feel that a lifetime of chronic masturbation has emasculated you, destroyed your manhood, taken away your natural maleness? And does that arouse you to even more masturbation and emasculation? You are not alone.  [mast] [masturbation]  [chronic] [emasculation] [degradation] [humiliation] [namecalling] [pathetic] [philosophy of masturbation]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2830
Podcasturbation #15-0126: Introduction to Moaning / Gooning for Masturbators 101
Podcasturbation #15-0126: Introduction to Moaning / Gooning for Masturbators 101 This podcasturbation covers the fundamentals of masturbatory vocalization. We describe masturbatory best practices of moaning, groaning, and gooning, in order to amplify the physical gratification of masturbation. We consider why some masturbators may miss this enhanced level of pleasure, due to shyness, embarrassment, or misplaced male role modeling. If you are a silent masturbator, you will gain insight to your inhibitions and gain gratification-enhancing vocal skills. If you are already a moaner/groaner/gooner you will enjoy the opportunity to practice your vocalization technique along with me. [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [edging] [JOI] [moaning] [penis] [stupid] [training [gooning] [penis babble] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 7558
Podcasturbation #14-1210: Taking my new plastic pussy for a test fuck - part B
Podcasturbation #14-1210: Taking my new plastic pussy for a test fuck - part B Sometimes masturbators feel the need to thrust and penetrate like normal males. Since we can't handle real pussy, a plastic pussy allows us to satisfy this instinctive male urge. I have a collection of plastic pussies, each with its own characteristic feel. In this podcasturbation I try out one I recently acquired. [mast] [masturbation] [plastic pussy] [chronic] [pussy teasing] [JOE] [moaning] [pathetic] [stupid] [ramblefap] [philosophy of masturbation]
Play Count: 1922
Podcasturbation #14-1210: Taking my new plastic pussy for a test fuck - part A
Podcasturbation #14-1210: Taking my new plastic pussy for a test fuck - part A Sometimes masturbators feel the need to thrust and penetrate like normal males. Since we can't handle real pussy, a plastic pussy allows us to satisfy this instinctive male urge. I have a collection of plastic pussies, each with its own characteristic feel. In this podcasturbation I try out one I recently acquired. [mast] [masturbation] [plastic pussy] [chronic] [pussy teasing] [JOE] [moaning] [pathetic] [stupid] [ramblefap] [philosophy of masturbation]
Play Count: 1651
Podcasturbation #11-0513 : How Long Can You Hold It?
Podcasturbation #11-0513 : How Long Can You Hold It? Feedback from listeners convinces me that edging and orgasm control games are among the most popular themes in my podcasturbations, especially the "Red Light / Green Light" game. Here is a long one for you. How long can you hold it? (some audio problems on this one) [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm control] [red light / green light] [chronic] [teasing] [denial] [edging] [ejaculation]  [humiliation] [JOI] [namecalling] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 6843
Podcasturbation #08-0808: Quickie plastic pussy fuck
Podcasturbation #08-0808: Quickie plastic pussy fuck Taking advantage of a few minutes alone, I whip out my plastic pussy. Sometimes I just want to fuck something.  [mast] [masturbation] [quickie] [plastic pussy] [fleshlight] [chronic] [pathetic] [stupid] [ramblefap] [gooning] [penis babble]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2038
Podcasturbation #08-0605:I'm out when she's out
Podcasturbation #08-0605:I'm out when she's out This is a quickie (11 minutes) I recorded at my desk a few minutes ago. It's getting to be a habit: as soon as my wife goes out, I take it out. I had only a few minutes, so I masturbated as much as I could and recorded it. Finished up so I wouldn't get caught with my pants down; I'm supposed to be working, after all. Do you like quickies too?  [mast] [masturbation] [quickie] [chronic] [pathetic]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 1975
Podcasturbation #11-0512: A Masturbator's Confessional
Podcasturbation #11-0512: A Masturbator's Confessional Whether you are a "proud" or "shameful" masturbator, we all like to confess our habits to ourselves and to each other. Listen to this podcasturbation and confess along with me, "I am a chronic addicted masturbator .... " (some audio problems on this one) [mast] [masturbation] [confession] [chronic] [embarrassment] [JOE] [namecalling] [pathetic] [penis] [shame] [ramblefap] [gooning] [penis babble]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 4584
Podcasturbation #11-0112: Tenga Flip Hole Plastic Pussy -- user review
Podcasturbation #11-0112: Tenga Flip Hole Plastic Pussy -- user review Like most chronic addicted masturbators, I normally prefer to stimulate my penis with my bare hand.  But even a masturbator still has the male instinct to thrust and penetrate. When that need comes over me, I use a plastic pussy. Recently I acquired a Tenga Flip-Hole Masturbator, and a Doc Johnson "The Tube", both available from Amazon.com.  (See more info at the Tenga site.) In this podcasturbation, I give each a workout on my pussy-couch, inserting the plastic pussy in the couch cushions and having a fine old fuck.
Play Count: 2312
Podcasturbation #11-0101: When did you stop stopping?
Podcasturbation #11-0101: When did you stop stopping? Most chronic addicted masturbators have tried to kick the habit at one time. Many of us have struggled for control, only to lose the battle repeatedly. Eventually, we give up and stop trying to stop masturbating. When did you give up? When did you finally accept the inevitability of your addiction? When did you "stop stopping?" [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [addiction] [helpless] [humiliation] [can't stop masturbating [namecalling] [pathetic] [shame] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3489
Podcasturbation #10-1009: Stupid Gooney Masturbator
Podcasturbation #10-1009: Stupid Gooney Masturbator Do you feel stupid when you masturbate for a prolonged period? Do you make gooney noises when you stroke your penis for hours? This podcasturbation is for all stupid gooney masturbators. Like you.  Like me. [mast] [masturbation] [humiliation] [JOE] [JOI] [moaning] [edging] [namecalling] [pathetic] [stupid] [gooning] [penis babble]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 4556
Podcasturbation #10-0922: Red Light / Green Light Orgasm Control
Podcasturbation #10-0922: Red Light / Green Light Orgasm Control Do sometimes ejaculate prematurely when you edge? Do you lose control and orgasm before you mean to? Is the male ejaculatory urge too much for you to resist? Do you feel like a pathetic lonely jerk-off who can't hold his cum? Masturbator, let's face it, you're a little short in the self discipline department. (You wouldn't be a masturbator if you had any will power, would you?) [mast] [masturbation] [ejaculation control] [chronic] [denial] [edging] [premature ejaculation [humiliation] [JOI] [pathetic] [orgasm training] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 4500
Podcasturbation #10-0907: Can I call you “Masturbator”?
Podcasturbation #10-0907: Can I call you “Masturbator”? You don't mind if I call you by your real name, do you, Masturbator? That's not just what you are. That's who you are.  [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [degradation] [embarrassment] [humiliation] [JOE] [namecalling] [pathetic] [shame] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 4591
Podcasturbation #10-0822: Itsy-Bitsy-Teenie-Weenie
Podcasturbation #10-0822: Itsy-Bitsy-Teenie-Weenie I want to ask you a very personal question: How small is your penis? Not "what size" or "how large", but "how small is it?". If this question seems offensive or stupid, then please ignore this podcasturbation. But if your little dickie twitches when somebody asks that, then pull out your itsy-bitsy-teenie-weenie and prepare to enjoy a little "small penis humiliation". [sph] [smalll penis] [mast] [masturbation] [embarrassment] [humiliation] [JOE] [JOI] [namecalling] [pathetic] [penis]   Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 4450
Podcasturbation #10-0725: It's Soooo Humiliating!
Podcasturbation #10-0725: It's Soooo Humiliating! For some of us, it's deliciously humiliating to be a chronic masturbator. Many chronic masturbators enjoy videos featuring humiliation by females. Some have wondered if there were any videos featuring males humiliating masturbators. In this podcasturbation I attempt to satisfy that need. And please understand, that I humiliate you not for my own pleasure, but for yours. [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [chronic] [embarrassment] [humiliation] [namecalling] [pathetic [shame] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators]
Play Count: 6336
Podcasturbation #10-0524: Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
Podcasturbation #10-0524: Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. I am presuming that a large number of chronic masturbators are also Star Trek fans, and vice versa. For them I do not need to explain the relevance to masturbation addiction of the title of this podcasturbation.  For others, please review http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borg_(Star_Trek) prior to pulling your pants down. [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [edging] [JOE] [JOI] [penis babble] [addiction] 
Play Count: 2917
The breast thing about masturbation (temp upload)
So many male masturbators are fixated on Big Breasts. Why do massive mammaries fascinate, arouse, and stimulate masturbators to such intense masturbatory gratification? Join me in a personal revery over big bosoms. Warning: a lot of silly gooning ahead.
Play Count: 1154
Podcasturbation #10-0427: Warning: Do not exceed recommended usage of penis
Podcasturbation #10-0427: Warning: Do not exceed recommended usage of penis It is very important for every chronic masturbator to maintain a healthy, sustainable level of usage of his penis. The level varies from masturbator to masturbator, but each of us has a maximum recommended level that we should not exceed. Of course, the penis will urge us to masturbate more and more, even to unsafe levels of usage, but we must resist. The results of excessive penis use include exhaustion, depression, and mental impairment (also called Penis Brain). This podcasturbation addresses these important issues. [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [ejaculation] [JOI] [penis] [ramblefap] [gooning] [penis babble] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2711
Podcasturbation #10-0207: Your Penis Brain
Podcasturbation #10-0207: Your Penis Brain There is a popular (but false) belief that a pregnant woman is afflicted with "baby brain", a pregnancy-induced impairment of her mental abilities. I got to thinking about how chronic masturbators are (truly) afflicted with a similar impairment, "Penis Brain". This podcasturbation personally explores the phenomenon. [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [edging] [JOE] [pathetic] [penis] [stupid] [gooning] [penis babble]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2984
Podcasturbation #10-0102: Helpless, helpless, helpless
Podcasturbation #10-0102: Helpless, helpless, helpless Is that the way you feel about your masturbation addiction? [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [addiction] [humiliation] [JOE] [pathetic]
Play Count: 3358
Podcasturbation #09-1215: Are you a man or a masturbator?
In spite of today's tolerant environment, many people believe that real men don't masturbate; or at least, don't masturbate chronically.  So which are you: a man, or a masturbator. This audio program will help you decide. [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [degradation] [embarrassment] [humiliation] [namecalling] [pathetic] [shame] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2886
Podcasturbation #09-1117: Progressive Partial Ejaculations
Podcasturbation #09-1117: Progressive Partial Ejaculations Some masturbators are ejaculation seekers, others are ejaculation avoiders. But most of us, when the ultimate climax comes, just let it all out. Another technique for advanced masturbators is to release the semen in multiple, partial ejaculations. It is difficult to control the urge to bust once ejaculation begins, but with practice you can have multiple orgasms over a short period of time. [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [edging] [ejaculation] [teasing] [denial] [ruined orgasm] [JOI] [philosophy of masturbation]
Play Count: 2935
Podcasturbation #09-1111: It's so shameful
Nearly every masturbator has at sometime encountered the shroud of shame that often surrounds the act of masturbation. In the teasing of teenagers, jokes in books or movies, disapproval of parents or religious figures, prohibition by athletic coaches and scout leaders, casual insults equating masturbation with ineffectualness (what a jerk-off!), etc. Even if the masturbator has never or no longer feels a personal shame for his habit, he can not escape being touched at some point by societies opprobrium. This podcasturbation is dedicated to that aspect of our vocation, and even revels in the naughtiness of it all. [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [degradation] [embarrassment] [humiliation] [namecalling] [pathetic] [shame] [philosophy of masturbation] [JOE]
Play Count: 2859
Podcasturbation #09-1108: Motel Rut - part 2
As every chronic masturbator knows from personal experience, sometimes we go into masturbation "rut", humping and rutting our hands and everything that doesn't move fast enough, rutting like crazed minks.  This is likely to happen when you are traveling alone and staying in a private and anonymous hotel room. I had that experience recently, staying several nights in a motel by myself. I masturbated every morning on waking and then again in the evening late into the night. I actually made two other audio recordings in addition to the podcasturbation during my highly fertile rutting phase. This podcasturbation specifically addresses the "going into rut" phenomenon, with examples of furniture fucking, glove fucking, and other serendipitous targets of opportunity. [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [chronic] [ejaculation] [JOE] [JOI] [moaning] [gooning] [penis babble] [philosophy of masturbation]
Play Count: 2580
Podcasturbation #09-1108: Motel Rut - part 1
As every chronic masturbator knows from personal experience, sometimes we go into masturbation "rut", humping and rutting our hands and everything that doesn't move fast enough, rutting like crazed minks.  This is likely to happen when you are traveling alone and staying in a private and anonymous hotel room. I had that experience recently, staying several nights in a motel by myself. I masturbated every morning on waking and then again in the evening late into the night. I actually made two other audio recordings in addition to the podcasturbation during my highly fertile rutting phase. This podcasturbation specifically addresses the "going into rut" phenomenon, with examples of furniture fucking, glove fucking, and other serendipitous targets of opportunity. [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [chronic] [ejaculation] [JOE] [JOI] [moaning] [gooning] [penis babble] [philosophy of masturbation]
Play Count: 2824
Podcasturbation #09-1026: It's getting worse all the time
Is your habit getting worse all the time? You know which habit I mean. Every time you do it makes it worse, doesn't it? Are you worried where it will all lead? You should be. Even though there's nothing you can do about it, even if you wanted to.  [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [addiction] [embarrassment] [humiliation] [JOE] [JOI] [pathetic] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3232
Podcasturbation #09-1016: Confession is Good for the Penis
The second most common urge among nearly all chronic masturbators (after the obvious one) is to "confess" his/her masturbation addiction to someone. It does not matter whether he is a "proud" masturbator celebrating his liberation and solosexual lifestyle, or a shameful guilty masturbator sneaking around in his private wanker closet. We all need to acknowledge, express, validate, and share this paramount dimension of our lives. In this podcasturbation I offer my personal confession and encourage you to offer yours. And yes, there is an orgasmic admission and emission at the end.  [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [chronic] [embarrassment] [humiliation] [confession] [pathetic [shame] [philosophy of masturbation] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3246
Podcasturbation #09-1005: What part of "No Cumming" don't you understand?
Feeling tired, listless, withdrawn, irritable? You know what's wrong: You've been ejaculating too much again, haven't you? You need someone to set boundaries, limits. Someone to say "stop, before you ejaculate again!", someone who demands "What part of No Cumming don't you understand?" [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [denial] [JOI] [training] [teasing] [orgasm control] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3407
Podcasturbation #09-0814: The Moan of the Male Masturbator
Moaning is not a typical sexual response of the copulatory male; it is more often associated with female sexual response. But the male masturbator regularly indulges in moaning behavior during long intense edging sessions. In this podcasturbation we explore (and experience) the masturbatory moaning response and draw comparisons to female sexual expressions. [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [chronic] [edging] [moaning] [ramblefap] [gooning] [penis babble]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3905
Podcasturbation #09-0719: Hyper-Ejaculation Syndrome
Critics of chronic masturbation claim that masturbating too much causes exhaustion and emotional depression. But current scientific research clearly shows that it is not masturbating too much, but rather ejaculating to excess that is debilitating. In this podcasturbation we take a look at the causes, effects, and treatment of Hyper-Ejaculation Syndrome (H.E.S). An understanding of HES and how to manage our personal ejaculation needs is essential for healthy chronic mastubating. [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [edging] [ejaculation] [JOE] [JOI] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3418
Podcasturbation #09-0610: Why don't you go fuck yourself?
If you say to a normal male, "Why don't you just go fuck yourself?", you are likely in for trouble. But to a chronic masturbator, the question is an invitation to go enjoy what he loves best. As masturbators we know that there is an always-willing "fuckbuddy" waiting between our own legs, and we can't wait to go "fuck" ourselves.  This podcasturbation explores the complex relationship we have with our fuckbuddy and the things we and it do together. [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [JOE] [JOI] [penis] [ramblefap] [gooning] [penis babble] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2245
Podcasturbation #09-0424: Penis Fixation
Podcasturbation #09-0424: Penis Fixation One of the signal characteristics of a male chronic masturbator is the attention, even devotion, he pays to his penis. "I love my penis" is one of the most common gooning mantras chanted when the masturbator is hovering on the edge of orgasm. But the focus on the penis permeates all his moments, including non-masturbatory ones. In this podcasturbation we explore penis fixation and engage in some of our own. [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [chronic] penis] [ramblefap] [gooning] [penis babble]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 4481
Podcasturbation #09-0317: The Urge to Ejaculate
#09-0317: The Urge to Ejaculate This is a topic we've visited before, but never loses interest for the chronic male masturbator: the overwhelming male urge to ejaculate. While the urge is not unique to male masturbators, the way we respond to and manage the urge sets us apart from other normal copulatory males. In this podcasturbation we discuss the nature of the ejaculatory urge and practice our orgasm management skills. This is not one of my more articulate or cerebral essays, but the genuine enthusiasm may make up for lack of redeeming social value.  [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [ejaculation] [JOE] [JOI] [moaning] [penis] [ramblefap] [gooning] [penis babble] 
Play Count: 4201
Podcasturbation #09-0209: Sharing the Load
Podcasturbation #09-0209: Sharing the Load The punning title of this podcasturbation should be understood in both senses: sharing the burden of masturbation addiction, and sharing the loads of cum we masturbators regularly produce.  It began with my second masturbation of the morning, when I was overwhelmed by a desire to share my feelings with my fellow chronic masturbators. Hopefully you will wish to share the load with me.  [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [mututal] [chronic] [ejaculation] [JOE] [JOI] [ramblefap] [gooning] [penis babble]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3119
Podcasturbation #09-0201: Understanding Masturbation Addiction
Podcasturbation #09-0201: Understanding Masturbation Addiction In the podcasturbation I offer understanding of masturbation addiction. Not understanding in the clinical or medical sense; rather in the intimate personal sense of sympathetic support.  I know, from long personal experience, what it is to live silently with addiction to masturbation, unable to speak about this most important thing in our lives and cut off from fellows who share our experiences. Masturbators crave understanding, and together we can provide it. [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [chronic] [JOE] [JOI] [pathetic] [addiction] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3192
Podcasturbation #08-1123: This is Your Brain, on Masturbation - part 4

Play Count: 2173
Podcasturbation #08-1123: This is Your Brain, on Masturbation - part 3

Play Count: 1729
Podcasturbation #08-1123: This is Your Brain, on Masturbation - part 2

Play Count: 1835
Podcasturbation #08-1123: This is Your Brain, on Masturbation - part 1
Chronic masturbation is often considered an addiction, and like substance abuse, can lead to profound and irreversible changes in the masturbator's brain. In this audio program we consider the cause and impact of those changes in "This is Your Brain, on Masturbation". The program is in four parts. The first two deal with internal structural differences between normal male brains and the brains of chronic masturbators. We explain these changes by the development of "the masturbation circuit" resulting from continued prolonged masturbatory over-stimulation of the sexual pleasure centers.  The third part examines behavioral and mental dysfunctions following recruitment or consumption of other brain resources to support the masturbation circuit. And the fourth concludes with guided edging, to help the listener experience and assess the strength of the masturbation circuit in his own brain. For the comfort of the listener, ejaculatory relief is granted at the ends of parts 1, 2, and 4.
Play Count: 3097
Podcasturbation #08-1106: Are You a Penis Person?
Podcasturbation #08-1106: Are You a Penis Person? Do you use your penis for sex with a partner? Or is you penis your sex partner? If the latter, then you are a penis person. [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [chronic] [edging] [ejaculation] [JOE] [moaning] [penis] [ramblefap] [gooning] [penis babble]  Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2984
Podcasturbation #08-1029: Do you want to cum? How bad?
Podcasturbation #08-1029: Do you want to cum? How bad? More coaching for the edging masturbator. In this session we discuss your need to ejaculate and whether it is sufficient to justify a full satisfying release. My advice is to take nothing for granted. [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm control] [denial] [edging] [ejaculation] [JOI] [teasing] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3065
Podcasturbation #08-1010: Shame on you, part 2
Podcasturbation #08-1010: Shame on you, part 2 Our first experiences of self-gratification are often mixed with shame. For some of us, the shame and enjoyment of masturbation cyclically reinforce each other to the extent that they become inseparably bound. The early imprinting lasts a lifetime, and shame remains our constant familiar when we masturbate. But the shame also becomes eroticized, intensifying and animating our masturbatory pleasures. This continues the essay, taking us from adolescence through the shame of adult masturbation addiction. I apologize for inferior audio quality due to technical reasons. [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [shame] [degradation] [embarrassment]  [humiliation] [pathetic] [philosophy of masturbation] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2224
Podcasturbation #08-0928: Emergency Pressure Release
Podcasturbation #08-0928: Emergency Pressure Release Every masturbator has been in this dire situation: you absolutely positively must masturbate, but you have limited time to do it. The pressure is unbearable and must be released. Today I felt that way and chose to fuck it all out with the aid of my plastic pussy. [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [chronic] [ejaculation] [moaning] [quickie] [ramblefap] [gooning] [penis babble] [plastic pussy] [pussy pants] [pathetic] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2524
Podcasturbation #08-0924 : Shame on you pt. 1
Our first experiences of self-gratification are often mixed with shame. For some of us, the shame and enjoyment of masturbation cyclically reinforce each other to the extent that they become inseparably bound. The early imprinting lasts a lifetime, and shame remains our constant familiar when we masturbate. But the shame also becomes eroticized, intensifying and animating our masturbatory pleasures. Not all masturbators feel thus. Many are "proud masturbators" and have little understanding an less sympathy for those who remain "shameful masturbators". But if you are one of those with conflicted feelings about your masturbation addiction, who find a perverse excitement in your sense of shameful indulgence, this podcasturbation is for you. Join me and let's experience the pains and pleasures of our secret shameful habit. This first part deals with our first introduction to masturbation and the shame that teenage boys instinctively feel about their secret discovery. [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [shame] [degradation] [embarrassment]  [humiliation] [pathetic] [philosophy of masturbation] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2557
Podcasturbation #08-0810 : No Cumming Today
Podcasturbation #08-0810 : No Cumming Today Another guide for edgers. This one is aimed at the skilled multi-day edger who needs a little coaching to avoid indulging his desire for gratuitous ejaculations. As the title indicates, this is a no-cumming day for you. [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [teasing] [denial] [edging] [orgasm control] [JOI] [penis babble] [frustration] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3848
Podcasturbation #08-0803: Controlling the Urge to Ejaculate
Podcasturbation #08-0803: Controlling the Urge to Ejaculate A critical success factor for chronic masturbation is to control the natural male urge to ejaculate. This podcasturbation explores why and how we do so. As always, the listener is invited to join me in a hands-on demonstration. [mast] [masturbation] [chronic] [orgasm control] [denial] [edging] [ejaculation] [JOI] [training] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2527
Podcasturbation #08-0629: Ruined Orgasm
Podcasturbation #08-0629: Ruined Orgasm We explore (and experience) the exquisite agony of the ruined orgasm. (There are some silence gaps on this recording) [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [ruined orgasm] [denial] [edging] [ejaculation] [handjob] [JOI][teasing] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3787
Podcasturbation ##08-0617: Fundamentals of Edging for Newly Chronic Masturbators
Podcasturbation ##08-0617: Fundamentals of Edging for Newly Chronic Masturbators I recently read a sad fact in a masturbation survey: only 9% of straight male masturbators go for more than 20 minutes before ejaculating. Any seriously chronic masturbator feels pity for males unaware of the basic technique of edging and life's greatest pleasure: extended near-orgasmic bliss. In fact, I might argue that the practice of edging is what separates the true chronic masturbator from a merely recreational masturbator. This got me to thinking that we need a Public Service Announcement for newly-chronic masturbators to introduce them to the art of edging. This podasturbation is intended to fill that need. (There are some silence gaps in this recording.) [mast] [masturbation] [gooning] [orgasm] [chronic] [edging] [JOE] [JOI] [moaning] [training [advice to masturbators]
Play Count: 3456
Podcasturbation #08-0608: The sofa-sexual masturbator: couch copulation and furniture fucking
Podcasturbation #08-0608: The sofa-sexual masturbator: couch copulation and furniture fucking Solo-sexual chronic masturbators often exhibit tendencies of sofa-sexuality. You won't find that term (yet) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, although there are a few scattered uses of it on the Web. I take sofa-sexuality to mean deriving gratification from sexual intercourse with a sofa (as opposed to on a sofa), chair, or other consenting adult furniture.  I use it interchangeably with the alliterative phrases couch copulation and furniture fucking. Though society may disparage having sex with furniture, there is much to recommend it. Furniture is both accommodative and non-judgmental, allowing even the shyest and most insecure male to practice important coital positions and movements without fear of failure or rejection. Many adolescent males develop sexual skill and confidence by copulating with couches before moving on to more conventional human partners. Chronic masturbators may continue the practice into maturity, in addition to or even in place of intercourse with a partner. I am one of those, and in this audio program I offer my personal history and thoughts on sofa-sexuality as I penetrate deeply into the matter until thoroughly exhausted. [mast] [masturbation] [gooning] [orgasm] [chronic] [moaning] [pathetic] [furniture fucking] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2382
Pussy Penetration Anxiety Disorder

Play Count: 3557
Podcasturbation #08-0530: Pussy Pants
Podcasturbation #08-0530: Pussy Pants A masturbator is nothing if not ingenious in his obsession. Here is a way I have devised to combine the advantages of self-stimulation with the classic feeling of penetration and thrusting.  [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm][thrusting] [penitration] [plastic pussy] [cuming in pants] [chronic] [pathetic] [penis babble] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2591
Podcasturbation #08-0519: Are you a moaner?
Podcasturbation #08-0519: Are you a moaner? We all know about females who respond so strongly in sex they lose it all and moan uncontrollably. But what about male masturbators? Do you moan like a woman getting fucked? Download the file, pull your pants down, and moan along with me. [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [orgasm] [chronic] [embarrassment] [JOE] [moaning] [stupid] [penis babble] [philosophy of masturbation] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3176
Podcasturbation #08-0511c: I'd like to ask you a personal question: Are you a masturbator? - Part 3
Podcasturbation #08-0511c: I'd like to ask you a personal question: Are you a masturbator? - Part 3 A podcasturbation questionnaire in 3 parts. I go over the warning signs of masturbation addiction and ask you to consider whether they apply. I illustrate with my own experiences. Each part ends with my orgasm, and perhaps yours as well. [mast] [masturbation] [therapy] [counseling] [chronic] [addiction] [edging] [embarrassment] [helpless] [JOE] [pathetic] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2032
Podcasturbation #08-0511b: I'd like to ask you a personal question: Are you a masturbator? - Part 2
Podcasturbation #08-0511b: I'd like to ask you a personal question: Are you a masturbator? - Part 2 A podcasturbation questionnaire in 3 parts. I go over the warning signs of masturbation addiction and ask you to consider whether they apply. I illustrate with my own experiences. Each part ends with my orgasm, and perhaps yours as well. [mast] [masturbation] [therapy] [counseling] [chronic] [addiction] [edging] [embarrassment] [helpless] [JOE] [pathetic] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2071
Podcasturbation #08-0511a I'd like to ask you a personal question: Are you a masturbator? - Part 1
Podcasturbation #08-0511a: I'd like to ask you a personal question: Are you a masturbator? - Part 1 A podcasturbation questionnaire in 3 parts. I go over the warning signs of masturbation addiction and ask you to consider whether they apply. I illustrate with my own experiences. Each part ends with my orgasm, and perhaps yours as well. [mast] [masturbation] [therapy] [counseling] [chronic] [addiction] [edging] [embarrassment] [helpless] [JOE] [pathetic] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2580
Podcasturbation #07-1005: The Slippery Slope
We've all been there. We shouldn't masturbate today. We won't masturbate today. And then a stray erotic thought ... and before we know it we are sliding down the slippery slope of temptation. [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [chronic] [addiction] [can't stop] [embarrassment] [shame] [weakness] [philosophy of masturbation] [giving in] [personal history] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2880
Podcasturbation #07-0930: How Hard Can It Be?
A meditation on the special relationship between the male masturbator and his erection. Ladies too might find some academic interest in this one. [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [erections] [edging] [ejaculation] [embarrassment] [humiliation] [masturbatory impotence] [pathetic] [penis] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2379
Podcasturbation #07-0824: Control Yourself
We consider whether you have been masturbating too much, and what (if anything) you can do about it. [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [orgasm] [controlling masturbation] [chronic] [denial] [JOI] [pathetic] [shame] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] [orgasm management] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2808
Podcasturbation #07-0808: I want to be good but my penis won't let me
Do you struggle to control your masturbation addiction? It's a question of who is stronger:  You, or your penis? [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [addiction] [compulsion] [chronic] [humiliation] [pathetic] [penis] [shame] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3980
Podcasturbation #07-0805: I'm full of it
Do you ever feel full of it? Full of semen, that is? There's only one thing for a masturbator to do. [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [ejaculatory urgency] [quick ejaculation] [JOE]  [moaning]  [penis] [quickie] [penis babble] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 4243
Podcasturbation #07-0727: I miss fucking
Even a chronic masturbator sometimes yearns for the real thing. But not enough to let go of his own penis. [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [chronic] [humiliation] [pathetic] [pussy penetration anxiety] [masturbatory impotence] [fucking] [penis babble] [philosophy of masturbation] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3075
Podcasturbation #07-0722: Do You Worry You do it Too Much?
Do You Worry You do it Too Much? If you are worried that you might be masturbating too much, then you are. Is there hope? Well, no. And yes. Sort of. [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [chronic] [addiction] [compulsive]  [humiliation] [pathetic] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] [stop masturbating] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3319
Podcasturbation #07-0716: Just Sitting around Jerking Off
A listener asked for a podcasturbation of just jerking off for fun. I tried to keep it simple, but couldn't help expanding a bit on that deliciously expressive term, "jerking off" [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [JOE] [JOI] [moaning] [penis babble] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 6911
Podcasturbation #07-0704: Orgasm Management 101
Fundamentals of Orgasm Management. Efficient management of ejaculatory resources to achieve personal masturbation objectives. Full, partial, and ruined ejaculations, as well as orgasm delay/denial. [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm control] [denial] [edging] [JOE] [JOI] [penis babble] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 2685
Podcasturbation #07-0629: Masturbation Makes You Stupid
Do feel "stupid" when you masturbate? If you are a serious edger, you know what I mean, and how good it feels just to let your IQ dribble out.  [M4M] [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [edging] [JOE] [JOI] [moaning] [stupid] [penis babble] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3767
Podcasturbation #07-0619: Just One Word: Plastics
I want to say one word to you. Just one word. Are you listening? "Plastics."  Plastic Pussies, that is. I'm on the make again for my plastic pussy, fucking the daylights out of it and reminiscing about how the real ones used to feel.   [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [humiliation] [pathetic] [fleshlight] [plastic pussy] [pussy penetration anxiety] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 1930
Podcasturbation #07-0608: The Urge to Masturbate
Podcasturbation #07-0608: The Urge to Masturbate Let's talk about the urge to masturbate. Why is it so irresistible? [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [chronic] [philosophy of masturbation] Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3433
Podcasturbation #07-0603: Opportunity to Masturbate
An unanticipated opportunity came up, and what else could I do? In this unplanned podcasturbation I ramble on about the experience of being a chronic addicted masturbator and edge myself to orgasm. [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [edging] [ejaculation] [moaning] [philosophy of masturbation] Produced by http://onania.org/asm/
Play Count: 3323
Masturbation Addiction Support Hotline Podcast #17-0615 - Invitation to ladies
Audio introduction to Onania's Masturbation Addiction Support Hotline. A special invitation for ladies to call. See http://onania.org/asm
Play Count: 2175
Masturbation Addiction Support Hotline Podcast #17-0615
Audio introduction to Onania's Masturbation Addiction Support Hotline by and for chronic masturbators like you. Talk frankly and confidentially with other people living with chronic masturbation addiction; share the pleasures and challenges, enjoy mutual support and understanding. See http://onania.org/asm
Play Count: 4944
Podcasturbation #07-0527: Introduction to Edging
In this long [60 minutes] podcasturbation I provide a discussion of edging and an introductory exercise. It is aimed at the newly chronic masturbator who is inexperienced with edging or having trouble getting the hang of it. Surgeon General's Warning: Edging may be habit forming and lead to incurable masturbation addiction; listen at your own risk [M4M] [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [chronic] [countdown] [edging] [ejaculation] [JOE] [JOI] [training] [orgasm control] [penis babble] [advice to masturbators]
Play Count: 4638
Podcasturbation #07-0524: Fucking my Penis
A chronic masturbator doesn't fuck with his penis -- rather, he fucks his penis.  [M4M] [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [JOE] [JOI] [stupid] [teasing] [quickie] [penis babble] [orgasm]
Play Count: 3544
Podcasturbation #07-0523: It's OK, Admit It
It's OK, admit it: you are addicted to masturbation. If you have recently realized that you are addicted, having trouble admitting it to yourself, or just suspect that you might be addicted, listen to this podcasturbation. It will help you recognize, admit, and accept your masturbation addiction. [M4A] [mast] [masturbation] [addiction] [chronic] [ramblefap] [gooning] [out loud] [JOE] [confession] [questionnaire] [embarrassment] [philosophy of masturbation] [advice to masturbators]
Play Count: 3511
Podcasturbation #07-0430: Jennifer takes Richard in hand
A fantasy of a chronic masturbator with a new girlfriend who offers to help him with his pussy-penetration anxiety disorder.  [M4F] [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [exposed] [CFNM] [handjob] [embarrassment] [orgasm control] [teasing] [denial] [begging] [mild Fdom] [pussy penetration anxiety] [humiliation] [training] [fantasy date]
Play Count: 2528
Podcasturbation #07-0416: Masturbation weekend with a lady friend
After five hours of masturbating, I still can't stop. This is a special fantasy of masturbating for a lady friend.  [M4F] [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [handjob] [penis babble] [public [exposed] [CFNM] [mild Fdom] [teasing] [milking table] [for a lady friend] [wet sounds]
Play Count: 3037
Podcasturbation #07-0323: Couch Copulation
This program may surprise you: I don't masturbate, I have sexual intercourse. OK, it's with a couch. But still, I penetrate and thrust just like a copulating male with a receptive female. Sometimes even a chronic masturbator like me just has to have a good fuck [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [embarrassment]  [humiliation] [moaning] [pathetic]   [stupid] [sph] [fleshlight] [furniture fucking] [humping]
Play Count: 2892
Podcasturbation #07-0318: Advice for the Ladies
Most of my podcasturbations are male oriented, as only male addicted masturbators really understand how each other feels. In this program I offer some insight about male chronic masturbation to ladies who may have questions or concerns about the behavior of their partners. I respectfully offer ladies advice about how they may turn the solitary fixation of their partners into a positive dynamic that deepens and cements a relationship. I also masturbate up a storm while pontificating. [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [addiction] [penis babble] [philosophy of masturbation] [wet sounds] [personal history] [advice to masturbators]
Play Count: 2304
[M] Verification GoneWild Audio onania_org

Play Count: 1780
Podcasturbation #07-0310: Stopping you-know-what
"It's easy to stop masturbating -- I've stopped hundreds of times!" Sound familiar? My attempts at stopping (or even reducing) the masturbation habit have all met with failure. Moreover, in the process, the very act of stopping has become eroticized, so much so that I can not resist masturbating whenever I think about stopping. I lose before I even get to first base. But then, it's not whether you win or lose that counts, but how you play the game.  [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [orgasm] [masturbation addiction] [stop masturbating] [chronic] [humiliation] [shame] [personal history] 
Play Count: 2233
Podcasturbation #07-0218: Solitary Masturbation
A long and intense podcasturbation, intended for serious masturbators only. I ruminate on the loneliness of the long-distance masturbator, and his preference for solitary masturbation. Thoughts on secret embarrassing things we like to do when alone such as (attempts at) self-sucking, tasting our semen, silly wanking postures, penetrating household objects, thrusting, and confessing.   [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [chronic] [edging] [moaning] [pathetic] [embarrassing] [penis] [stupid] 
Play Count: 4531
Podcasturbation #07-0214: Plastic Pussy Fucking
Chronic masturbators are often pussy-challenged and feel more confident fucking the plastic ones. I discuss pussy fucking anxieties while giving my FleshLight a work out.  [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm][pathetic] [pussy penetration anxiety] [erectile failure] [humiliation] 
Play Count: 1975
Podcasturbation #07-0216: First Time Masturbating, Part 2
Continuing my sexual history and development into a total chronic addicted masturbator.  [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [addiction] [chronic] [pathetic] [virgin] [first time] [personal history]
Play Count: 2397
Podcasturbation #07-0208: First Time Masturbating, part 1
my early sexual history leading up to my first masturbatory orgasm. What, you've never put your penis in a vacuum cleaner hose? [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [chronic] [shame] [teen] [virgin] [first time masturbating] [boy]
Play Count: 3035
Podcasturbation #07-0205: Teasing and Squirting
Random wanking fantasy about girls watching, teasing, and (gasp) putting me back in my chastity device. [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [chastity device] [denial] [embarrassment] [humiliation] [pathetic]
Play Count: 1965
Podcasturbation #07-0130: CFNM Squirt
A little quickie, my second of the day. It winds up being a mini-CFNM fantasy.  [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [gooning] [orgasm] [CFNM] [mild Fdom] [embarrassment] [quickie] 
Play Count: 2684
Podcasturbation #07-0124: I might get caught
I might get caught. I am masturbating while I'm alone, but I expect to get interrupted. That got me to thinking about the "getting caught" theme again. Do I get to finish? Or am I caught with my pants down?  [mast] [masturbation] [wet sounds] [embarrassment] [getting caught] [gooning] [ramblefap] 
Play Count: 3036
Podcasturbation #07-0119 : Sneaky Masturbator
Sneaky Masturbator. I'm supposed to be at a luncheon, but I can't resist sneaking off to masturbate in secret before I go. Want to sneak one with me?  [mast] [masturbation] [wet sounds] [chronic] [ejaculation] [JOE] [ramblefap] 
Play Count: 2875
Podcasturbation #07-0118 : Quickie Jerk to Porn Pics
Quickie Jerk to Porn Pics. A quickie job when I have a few minutes alone. I masturbate to some big breast pics and tell you about my fantasies. Then count down to ejaculation. [mast] [masturbation] [wet sounds] [breasts] [porn] [ejaculation] [gooning] [ramblefap] 
Play Count: 4808
Podcasturbation #07-0108: Are you a masturbator?
Are you a masturbator? - You are a chronic masturbator, aren't you? Otherwise, why are you reading this? [chronic] [edging] [ejaculation]  [gooning] [JOE] [JOI] [mast] [masturbation] [ramblefap] [stupid] [wet sounds]
Play Count: 5022
Podcasturbation #07-0117: Getting Caught
Ramblings about getting caught with your pants down masturbating.  [chronic] [caught] [ejaculation] [embarrassment] [mast] [masturbation [public] [ramblefap] [wet sounds]
Play Count: 4957
Podcasturbation #07-0103: Jacking to Jill (and Rob)
I masturbate watching a video from robandjill.com, one of my favorite early Orgasm Tease and Denial sites. Jill has Rob on the "Draining Table", and I drain myself right along with him.  The website above seems now abandoned by Rob and Jill, and now contains mostly archive stuff of other videos.  
Play Count: 3168
Podcasturbation #17-0722: I'm glad you are a pathetic masturbator!
I'm glad you are a pathetic masturbator! - It arouses me. I like you that way. Is that wrong of me?  [addicted] [chronic] [degradation] [humiliation] [mast] [masturbation] [namecalling] [pathetic] [shame] [wet sounds]
Play Count: 4191
Podcasturbation #06-1231: Fucking my FleshLight
Fucking my FleshLight - pervy feelings I get when fucking a plastic pussy. [edging] [ejaculation] [fleshlight] [gooning] [mast] [masturbation] [moaning] [orgasm] [pathetic] [plasitc pussy] [ramblefap] [toys]
Play Count: 7024
Podcasturbation #06-1222: Degrees of Masturbation Addiction
Some comments on what it feels like to be addicted to masturbation and pornography.  [addiction] [chronic] [edging] [ejaculation] [embarrassment] [gooning] [handjob] [mast] [masturbation] [orgasm] [pathetic] [[ramblefap] [shame] [wet sounds]
Play Count: 7797
Podcasturbation #06-1216 : Random babbling and gooning
My first attempt. Random babbling and gooning about masturbation, just to check out the recording process. (2006-12-16 12 min.)
Play Count: 9245